The Mythology Revelations

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(This one didn't have many words to it, but I was trying so hard to write it since my dear @sigynfan had requested it a while ago, but if I ever get around to updating this one, I will- but enjoy what's here nevertheless :,D)


"I'm bored."

You blew out an exaggerated puff of air as you lay on the floor with Loki, who was flipping through a magazine.

"Are you?" He asked while staring distractedly at a crossword puzzle.

"Yes," you grumbled, turning over to lay on your side, holding yourself up with your elbow. "And you're being boring."

"It's called relaxing, darling. You should try it sometime."

If he caught the annoyed frown you shot at him, he didn't acknowledge it, watching your back hit the floor again. Some more time had passed by, and eventually Tony came through the common room, stopping shot when he saw two bodies lying on the floor.

"Why?" He asked, shaking his head. "No, no, don't even answer that, I don't wanna know."

"We're bored," you told him, arms crossed.

"She's bored," Loki corrected, writing with a pencil that came out of nowhere.

"And you answered anyway, great." The billionaire took a sip of his coffee, kicking at your ankle, not entirely soft, but not hard enough to hurt. "Look, if you're that desperate for something to do, go read a book."

"Read a book?" You repeated, sitting up while blinking at him incredulously. "I wanna do something fun, Tony, and reading a book isn't-" All of a sudden, a really good idea struck you, beginning to break into a grin. "Tony, you're a genius!"

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know," he hummed, waving his free hand and walking away. You jumped to your feet, taking the magazine out of Loki's hand, ignoring his protests, and started to tug on them instead.

"What on Earth are you doing?" He asked, not letting up.

"We're gonna go read a book, c'mon!"


"Whatever book you dragged me here for, it better be worth something."

"Oh, trust me," you snickered. "It'll be way worth it."

The two of you walked down the different aisles of books, books you were sure Tony had never read a day in his life but still managed to buy. You stopped at the fantasy section, looking through the shelf on your left.

"What exactly are we looking for, anyways?" Loki inquired, following the finger of yours that trailed along every book cover.

"There's a few Norse Mythology books in here somewhere Tony bought," you explained. "Thought we'd both get a kick out of 'em."


"Becuase they have stories about you guys in them."

Loki's brows flew up (kinda like how they did when he saw that one variant of himself) until they knitted together in question. "So, instead of asking me or Thor, the ones who lived the stories, you want to read a novel made by some group of Midgardians who probably don't even have half of their information straight?"

"Yeah, I guess your explanation works too," you shrugged, looking back to another shelf in a search for the book. "I'm almost positive it's on one of these shelves, but I don't remember whe- hey, I found it!"

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