An Addition Problem

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Moments like these were your favorite, being able to wake up beside the love of your life without the loud alarms, the worry of having to go on a mission, the chaos of the others.

Okay, you lived with the Avengers. There was no such thing as no chaos with them.

But since there hadn't been any crime or evil world conquerors around for almost a month, the entire team basically got a vacation, and you all were definitely not complaining about it. Being a hero is definitely a stressful task.

And now here you lay, in bed with your favorite Asgardian, head atop his chest as it moved up and down steadily. The sun was beginning to peek through the forest green curtains in his room, keeping you from returning to a peaceful slumber.

Loki groans softly, tilting his head downwards to look at you, planting a quick kiss against the top of your head. You fight the urge to smile as you lean your head back, (e/c) eyes sparkling like a precious gemstone.

"Good morning," you whisper, pushing yourself off his chest, propping up on your elbows.

"Good morning, dearest," Loki hums, watching as you switch positions to lay down beside him. He turns his head around to face you. "Another day free of missions, I assume. Do you have any plans for today?"

"Nope," you sigh, popping the 'p.' "Other than lay in my favorite clothes and watch cheesy rom-coms with Wanda." Loki chuckles softly, lifting one of your hands to plant small kisses along your knuckles.

"What if I told you," he starts, placing a kiss with every word. "That I could provide us something? At least for a couple hours."

Your eyes light up, body sitting upright, yet still facing him. "You mean, like a date?"

Loki nods in confirmation, only exciting you even further. "It's been so long since we've got out properly, so I want to plan something special for you, my love." You smile at him, kissing his jaw.

"Well, it sounds awesome to me," you grin, standing up from the bed. "Does that mean you have to go now?"

"I'm afraid so." He follows suit, summoning his clothes. "I'll return for you this evening, darling. Don't have too much fun without me."

"I'll try my best!" You call after him as he walks out the door, no doubt to go find his brother, a soft chuckle ringing through the halls.

Now that he was gone, you stretch your body, and make your way into the shower, enjoying the warmth from the water.

You get out moments later and dry yourself off, throwing on some comfortable clothes to wear until later on, preparing to go downstairs and make breakfast.

That plan went south as you quickly found your stomach churn, stumbling back in the bathroom to get to the toilet on time. You'd just barely made it, vomiting inside, staying there emptying the contents of yesterday from your stomach until it felt like there was nothing left.

Soon, the regurgitation stopped, and you stood up to rinse the disgusting taste from your mouth. The moment you stood up, your vision blurred, head spinning, all of it was making you feel nauseous.

Deciding to go downstairs with the others, you slowly pull a hoodie over your head, trudging into the elevator, its movements making your stomach curl even further.

When it stops, you step out, running a hand through your slightly awry hair, coming into the kitchen.

"And she rises!" Tony announces, sliding a cup of coffee your way.

"Thanks," you mumble, bringing the cup to your lips, but the smell of it caused you to vomit again, straight into the garbage can.

"Wow, I didn't poison the coffee."

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