Stuck in a Wal-Mart (basically a crack fic)

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"Loki, you moron! This is exactly what I was trying to avoid!"

"It's not my fault! The sinks in those bathrooms have different knobs than the ones in the tower!" He argues back, causing you to slap a hand over your face in annoyance.

"Well, now we're locked in a Wal-Mart at 11:30 at night, without paying for the stuff we came to get," you grumbled, pushing the cart of groceries to the side, slumping down on the floor with your arms crossed.

"Don't look so upset, (y/n)," Loki chides, using his foot to nudge your knee lightly. "Just unlock the doors."

"Oh boy, why didn't I ever think of that?" You replied sarcastically. "Obviously I can't. I'm not tech savvy like you are."

"First off, don't call me that. Second, if you can't unlock the doors on your own, there must be some way to get them to open."

"Yeah, well, let me know when you find it," you mutter, turning around to wander through the dark store. A lot of squinting had to be done in order to tell where anything was, but you found your way near the registers, thinking maybe an aisle light would be bright enough to illuminate your path.

And it did, just not very far.

Frankly, you were much too lazy to go to every register and flip the switch, so you opted to continue on your way without light.

A loud crash almost made you jump out of your skin, jumping over a register and hiding under it, a rolled up magazine clutched tightly in your hand at your best line of defense.

"Loki?" You whisper yell, hoping he was nearby in case this turned out to be like one of those horror movies.

"Don't worry, I knocked something over," his voice returned the whisper, and the minute you heard the words leave his mouth, you got from under your hiding spot, half relieved and half irritated.

"Come here, there's some flashlights for us to use for now." You almost bolted over there, peaking your head through every passing aisle until Loki turned a flashlight on, pointing it up to the ceiling so that the light would guide you.

Once you found him, he tossed you a flashlight of your own, and you let out a breath, turning it on and letting the white light illuminate your path.

And boy, did that thing do its job.

"What do we do now?" Loki inquires, following your silent footsteps.

"To find the light switches in this store so i won't feel like something's gonna jump out and murder me in here," you answer honestly, taking a left turn.

"You don't honestly believe in those fictions, done you?"

You gave him a half-laugh. "If you watch enough of them, absolutely."


Much later (and by much it was probably like 30 minutes but it still feels like a lifetime), some actual lighting was located, and the moment you pressed the buttons, both you and Loki dropped your flashlights and headed straight to the floor, now more relaxed.

You pulled a stray bag of chips off the shelf, pulling the bag open and popping the snack in your mouth, crunching away through the silence.

After a moment or two, Loki spoke up again. "Still haven't found anything?"

"Yeah, something to sate my appetite for a minute," you respond, wiggling the bag for effect. Loki rolls his eyes and leans against the shelf opposite of you, much like the position you had been in earlier.

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