Shifting Gone Wrong

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It was like any other normal day for you.

You'd come home from school, eat, hide in your room and constantly watch multiple videos of Tom Hiddleston and Loki, completely disregarding homework or anything your parents would consider productive.

Once midnight hit, you'd opened the top drawer of your desk to pull out a script to something you'd been trying for the past few months.


None of your attempts had been successful just yet, but many nights, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the point of finally visiting your desired reality.

You downed a bottle of water, reading over the script page by page, making sure to have everything locked into memory for the night. At last, it was finally time to go to sleep.

The position of your body was in the form of a starfish, choosing the raven method for this attempt. Your body slowly relaxes as time goes on, listening to the soft white sounds and melodic subliminal playing on your phone.

Little by little, each limb relaxes, falling into a state of complete comfortability. Your breathing steadies, and you feel yourself sink slower into the mattress, ready to succumb to sleep.

The faint calling of your name is heard in the hazy state, your brain easily dismissing it as the world's consciousness starts to slip away.

And then you're falling. Or floating, it was hard to tell.

Tingles rush through your body, a chilling cold adding on to the strange sensation, until you simply feel nothing at all.


As bright rays of sunlight seep through the curtains, hitting your face, you grumble and turn away from it, it was simply too early to be awake. You pull the covers over your head, hoping to fall back asleep.

That thought was thrown out the window as soon as an incessant knocking erupted from your door.

Trudging out of the bed and mentally cursing whoever decided to wake you at such and ungodly hour, you absentmindedly walk over to the door, swinging open.

"What?" You huff, slight irritation obvious in your tone.

"I must say, that's not exactly how I expected to be greeted this morning," comes a sultry reply, the voice belonging to the male towering over you. Your fly open quickly, the recognition making every last bit of sleep leave your eyes.

"Loki?" You breath out in a shocked gasp. "It''s really you?"

"Well I would certainly hope so," he hums.

"No, but you're supposed to be...this can't be real."

"(Y/n)? Are you feeling alright?"

"Loki, hit me." His face immediately contorts into one of horror.

"Have you gone mad?" he hissed, brows knitted together.

"Loki. Hit me. If I'm telling you to do it, then obviously-" the argumentative words were cut off once you felt the pain of a heavy object making forceful contact with the top of your head.

"Ow!" You yelped, jumping back a few inches, a palm clutching at your head. "Did you really aim a book at my head?!"

"You just told me to hit you!" Loki frowns, walking over to see if you were alright. "Three times!"

"Yes, because it wasn't supposed to-" your words are cut off once more, only this time, it’s by your own merit, the realization of the matter slowly beginning to surface.  

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