New Rumors Spread?

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The next day at Greenwood High School, Jakob was nervous to go back because of what had happened the night before with Ryan.

He had so told his sister, Makayla, everything about what had happened. And of course, she felt bad for him. And she was also with him today.

"Well, here we go." Jakob said with a sigh. "Another day, another day to keep avoiding the one who broke my heart yesterday."

"Oh, cheer up, bro." Makayla said with a smile. "Ryan wasn't the one for you. But I'm sure you'll find someone else."

"It's not that easy for me, sis." Jakob said. "After the whole ordeal yesterday. . . I'm not sure I can even fall in love again."

"Just give it a few days or weeks." Makayla said. "You'll get over it."

"Yeah, I guess you're-" Jakob suddenly stopped in his tracks when he noticed someone from across the way. It was none other than Ryan.

Ryan then looked over and noticed Jakob looking at her as she seemed to speed up her walking and quickly left Jake's line of sight.

". . . Right." Jakob said as he sighed again.

"Don't worry about it anymore, bro." Makayla said, trying to cheer him up. "It's over. Don't be thinking about her anymore. It's time to move on."

"I guess so." Jakob said. "I mean. . . it can't get any worse than this, right"?

"Well, well, well. . . if it isn't the perverted loser, Jake Moon." A voice suddenly said form behind them.

Jakob and Makayla both turned around to see a teenage girl wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Oh. . . hey." Makayla said with a small smile. "You're one of the cheerleaders, right?"

"I am." The girl said.

"Don't you have a team meeting later today?" Jakob asked. "Shouldn't you be wearing your uniform?"

"Ugh, just what the perverted Jakob is expected to say!" The cheerleader said angrily.

"No, wait!" Jakob said. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Save it, freak!" The girl said angrily as she stomped off away from them.

"What the hell was that about?" Makayla asked. "Why did she call you a pervert? Wait. . ."

"It's nothing bad, I swear!" Jakob said, defensively. "I don't even know where she got that from. Unless. . ."

"You don't think Ryan had something to do with it, don't you?" Makayla asked.

"Nope, not her." A voice said from behind them again. "But I."

The 3 turned around to see another teenage girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and wears a grey shirt with one side off shoulder, black pants, and black flats. Her name is Trinity. She is Ryan's best friend.

"Trinity?" Jakob asked. "What do you mean it was you?"

"It's nothing personal, but. . . Ryan told me all about what happened last night." Trinity said. "She told me that she wanted to make sure you'd stay away from her, so. . . I may have took it a bit far and spread some rumors about how you took advantage of her and did some. . . naughty things with her."

"What the hell?!" Jakob said. "That's messed up! I did nothing of the sort!"

"Well, tell that to the brainless idiots who believe it." Trinity said as she walked away with an evil chuckle.

"I can't believe she'd make up rumors like that!" Jakob said angrily. "Is she trying to ruin my life? What's her goal with this?"

"Probably to give you less of a chance to be friends with other girls." Makayla guessed.

"How f**ked is that?" Jakob said. "I guess I won't be able to find love again at this school. Unless I get lucky."

"Lucky enough for some vulnerable girl to fall victim to you?" The voice of a girl said from behind them.

"What a freak." Another girl said. "He's even worse than I thought."

"No, that's not what I mean!" Jakob said.

"I bet he even preys on the female teachers!" Another girl said. "And they even fall for it!"

"Ew, no!" Jakob said. "That's disgusting!"

"The whole school would be better off without him here!" Another girl said. "We don't need weirdos like him around anymore!"

"Let's just go." Makayla said. "We don't need this."

"He's probably freaky with his own sister too!" Another girl said. "And if so, that's way worse!"

That did it for Jakob. He quickly turned around and gave a death glare to the girls.

"Now, listen here, you stuck-up b***hes!" Jakob said angrily as his eyes glowed a bright red. "I don't know what Trinity told you, but it's not true! And it's dumbass girls like you that make me not want to love anyone! Now do me a favor and leave me the f**k alone!"

"Jakob Moon!" A stern voice said from behind him.

Jakob then turned around and saw the last person he wanted to see. It was their principal.

"My office. . . now." The principal said as she turned back and walked back to her office.

"Careful, Ms. Stern!" One of the girls yelled back to her. "He might try to seduce you!"

"Shut up!" Makayla shouted at them. "You don't know what you're saying. Leave my brother alone."

With that said, Makayla turned to follow her brother and their principal to the office.

But little did they know, was that they weren't going to the principal's office for the reason they thought. And it might just be the start of a new life for them both.

Jakob Moon and Trinity belongs to me

Makayla Light belongs to makaylaLight435

All rights reserved

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