A Big Revelation

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The next day at school, Jake wasn't feeling too good about it. With April in the hospital, he knew that Natalie or Ryan would try to come up to him. And he was not looking forward to it. But at least Makayla was there with him.

"Don't worry, bro." Makayla said with a smile. "I'll make sure no one messes with you."

"Don't bother, sis." Jake said seriously. "I'm gonna deal with this myself."

"But. . ." Makayla tried to say something, but was cut off.

"By the way, did you ever find the Grinmoire?" Jake asked.

"Yes, I did." Makayla said. "And reading through it myself. . . yeah, you're definitely gonna want to know its contents."

"I'll worry about that later." Jake said. "Right now, I need to find Natalie and give her a piece of my mind!"

"Oh, really now?" A voice said from behind them. "That's quite bold coming from someone who had a big freakout a few nights ago."

Jake and Makayla turned around to see Natalie and Trinity walking up to them. And Natalie had a big smirk on her face.

"Well, well, well. . . looks like the prey wandered into the lion's den." Jake said, walking up to her. "Where's Ryan?"

"She stayed home today." Natalie said. "She said something about 'not feeling well', or something."

"Oh yeah?" Jake scoffed. "Just wait until she hears the condition she put April in!"

Jake then looked over at Trinity. "And you're here, because. . . ?"

"Natalie needed me." Trinity said. "Don't worry, I hate it too."

"Now then, I hope you're ready for today." Natalie said.

"What do you mean?" Makayla asked.

"Well, I convinced the principal to put on a school-wide assembly." Natalie said, as she took out a small case with a disk inside. "It's about time they know the truth, don't you think?"

"No. . . you wouldn't!" Jake said.

"Oh, but I would." Natalie said. "Maybe after this, you'll think twice about rejecting me."

"You can't. . . we had a deal!" Jake said.

"And that deal was broken when you left me!" Natalie said, angrily. "But this can all go away, if you do me a simple favor."

"What favor?" Jake asked.

"Bro, you can't!" Makayla said.

"Stay out of this, freak!" Natalie said. "I've done my fair share of research on you, too! Don't think I won't spill your little secret as well!"

"Hey, you can threaten me all you want!" Jake said, standing in front of his sister as his irises glowed a dark purple and some lightning began to form around him. "But get my family involved and I'll hang you with your intestines!"

"Woah, sorry." Natalie said, putting her hands up in defense. "But I have no interest in your dysfunctional family drama. I just want you."

"Want me for what?" Jake asked.

"To be my boyfriend, silly!" Natalie said with a smirk. "Agree to date me and forget those redheads, and I'll snap this disk in half."

"You're disgusting." Makayla said.

"Makayla, please. . ." Jake said, looking back at her and then back at Natalie. "But she's right. I'm done being manipulated by you, Natalie. I'll never date you. So, go ahead. . . show the truth. I don't need people to like me. I've got all I need right here."

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