Ambush And An Unexpected Awakening

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That night after school, Jake was ready to be able to hang out with April once again. He has successfully avoided both, Ryan and Natalie, the whole day, so he was kind of exhausted from having to hide the whole day. But he wasn't going to hide this time, since April was actually someone he looked forward to seeing everyday.

It was clear that they were getting along really well. And Jake actually enjoyed hanging out with her whenever he could. But a part of him still felt unsure about his true feelings, cause whenever he's around her, he feels all warm and fuzzy inside. And he constantly finds himself thinking about her nonstop. Could he be catching feelings for her? No, that couldn't be right. Even if he was, he didn't want to risk getting his heart broken again. So he was gonna stick to his own vows and not fall in love with April, no matter what he may be feeling at the moment.

But then again, was it really possible to not fall in love with someone? Love is a tricky concept to explain. So he didn't feel bad for not understanding it very well.

"Hey, Jake." A familiar voice said. "Ready to go somewhere?"

Jake turned around and smiled when he saw April standing there. "Oh, hey April." He said, shyly. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just deep in thought."

"Do you want to. . . talk about it?" April asked.

"It's a complicated feeling I'm having." Jake said. "Like I feel something for someone, even though I don't want to."

"Oh. . ." April said, understanding what he meant. "You have a crush on someone?"

"Well, you could say that." Jake said. "But, like I said. . . I don't want to. Not now. . . and not ever again."

"I get it." April said. "After that you told me your ex did to you. . . I totally understand if you're scared to love again."

"I just don't want to risk getting my heart broken again." Jake said.

"Well, maybe whoever you think you've caught feelings for may feel the same way?" April said. "Not all women are the same, you know?"

"Yeah, but. . . I can't risk it." Jake said. "I don't want to make the same mistakes again."

"I understand." April said. "I know it must be hard for you. But just know that the right person for you is out there somewhere. You just need to be patient."

"I guess so." Jake said, as a small smile formed on his face. "Thanks, April. I'm glad I have you as a friend."

"You're welcome, Jake." April said. "What are friends for, after all?"

Jake smiled. He wanted to say something else to April, but he couldn't find the right words.

But none of that mattered; cause at that moment, an arrow was suddenly shot at them and nearly hit them, going into a nearby trash bag, causing bits of trash to spill out. The sudden shot caught both, Jake and April, off guard for a moment.

"What the heck was that?" April cried out.

Jake looked over and noticed a group of people up on the rooftop. "There's people up there!" He said, pointing to the rooftop. "I think they're shooting at us."

At that moment, a group of vehicles drive up to them and surrounded them. A group of armed men then came out and aimed their weapons at them.

"Jake. . . what's going on?" April asked, the fear obvious in her voice.

"I don't know." Jake said. "But I don't like it."

"Well, well, well. . . look what we have here." A menacing voice spoke out. "Hopefully, the young girl was right about this. Otherwise, I'll be having words."

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