Jake Meets The Turtles

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Everything was just darkness. That's all Jake saw. He didn't even know what had happened, but here he was. Unconscious. Was he captured? Maybe he got away safely and just passed out?

Opening his eyes, Jake was mean with blurry vision and a bright light. And in the brightness, he heard a voice.

"Jake? Jake, are you okay?" April's voice called out to him.

"He'll be fine." An unfamilia voice said. "Give him some space. Like. . . a lot of space."

"Dude, I can't believe you found him like this." Another unfamiliar voice said, but sounded quite excited, despite his condition.

"Hey, I said give him some space!" The other voice form before said, followed by a shuffling sound.

Once his vision came back, Jake slowly sat up and took a look around.

"Huh? Where am I?" Jake said to himself. "The last thing I remember is-"

Jake suddenly stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of something truly shocking. Standing in front of him, were four mutant turtles. The first one had a blue mask and blue eyes. His name is Leonardo, or Leo, short. The second one had a red mask and emerald green eyes. His name is Raphael, or Raph, for short. The third turtle had am orange mask and baby blue eyes. His name is Michelangelo, or Mikey, for short. And lastly, there was Donnie.

"Hi." Mikey said with a big smile on his face.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Jake screamed as he fell back on the ground in fear. "W-What the hell? Who are you? No. . . *What* are you?!"

"Woah, calm down." April said, gently, walking up to the scared Jake. "It's okay. They won't hurt you."

"Yeah, we're cool." Mikey said with a smile.

"Maybe he just got scared by your face." Raph said with a chuckle. "You tend to have the effect on people."

Jake slowly stood back up, shaking and looking on fear at the four turtles. "So. . . you're not gonna kill me?" Jake asked.

"Why would we do that?" Leo asked.

"Well, I just assumed. . . Nevermind." Jake said, as he suddenly sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Are we in the sewer?"

"Well. . . technically, yes." Mikey said.

"Gross. I'm gonna need a shower later." Jake said, feeling disgusted. "Anyway, why am I here?"

"This guy is asking the real questions here." Donnie said, giving Jake a death glare.

"Well. . . you fell unconscious after the hunters attacked." April said. "Well, it was more like, you were knocked out."

"I thought you were attacking April." Donnie said. "And I wasn't about to have that happen."

Jake suddenly remembered what happened back on the streets. But all he could remember was being attacked and seeing April get hurt. And after that, it was all a blur.

"Damn it. . . those stupid hunters." Jake said. "Are you okay, April? The last thing I remember was you getting hurt."

"I'm fine." April said, rubbing her arm. "Donnie patched me up. But I'm more concerned about you, Jake."

"I. . . I really don't remember what happened." Jake said.

"Well, that's all fine and dandy, but we aren't just gonna skip over our friendly introductions!" Mikey said.

"Oh, right. . ." April said, facepalming herself. "Jake, these are my friends."

"You're friends with four giant, talking turtles?" Jake asked.

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