April's Rough School Life

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Meanwhile at Roosevelt High School, April was getting her stuff from her locker as she got ready to head to her next class.

She tried not to look anyone in the eyes since they all knew what she did in the past and they bullied her for it. They even called her names like 'evil witch' and 'demon' and stuff like that.

Of course, their words hurt her, but she tried not to pay any attention to them. It was better than losing her cool and making herself look worse to others.

She then walked down the hallway, avoiding eye contact as everyone was whispering about her.

"Be careful, we don't want the evil witch to curse us." A teenage boy said.

"Be quieter, you idiot!" A teenage girl whispered angrily at him. "She could probably hear you!"

"Good." Another teenage boy said. "That demon needs to hear it! It's true, you know?"

"Man, I feel bad for her parents." Another teenage girl said. "I bet they're disgusted with her for what she's done."

"Yeah, it's a miracle her father hasn't left her yet." Another teenage boy said. "Unlike her mother."

Hearing that caused tears to form in April's eyes as she sped through the hallway as to not hear anything more. But as she was running, she accidentally be bumped into someone.

The person turned around to reveal himself as a tall senior male with black hair, dark green eyes, and was wearing a hockey uniform. His name is Chad Hunter. The captain of the school hockey team.

"Hey, watch where you're going, you witch!" Chad said angrily.

"I-I'm so sorry." April said. "I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to?" Chad said angrily as he pushed her to the ground. "You're making a mistake, girl! Let's beat her, boys."

"No, wait!" April said as she attempted to back up from the group of hockey jocks.

"Hey, leave her alone!" A voice said from behind them.

Chad and his buddies turned around to see another teenage boy with black hair and chocolate brown eyes. His name is Casey Jones.

"Get out of here, Jones." Chad said. "This isn't your business."

"Yes, it actually is." Casey said. "This girl that you're picking on is my friend! Now scram, punks!"

Chad just growled as he gestured the others to follow him as they walked away. But not before Chad purposely bumped Casey, nearly knocking him over.

Once they were gone, Casey went up to April and held out his hand to help her up. "You okay, Red?" He asked her. "You seem pretty shook."

April took Casey's hand as he helped her up and helped her pick up her books. "Thanks, Casey." April said. "What would I do without you?"

"It's nothing, really." Casey said. "I just hate seeing you get bullied just because of something that happened over a week ago."

"Maybe everyone is right." April said as tears began to form in her eyes. "Maybe I am just a witch. I don't deserve any help or forgiveness."

"Of course you do." Casey said. "It's not like you meant to go crazy. Some things are just beyond our control."

"You always say that." April said.

"Because it's true." Casey said. "We don't pick the consequences of what happens. All, we can do is prevent them from happening again."

"Since when have you gotten so wise?" April asked.

"I guess it's all the time we spend with Master Splinter." Casey shrugged. "But I bet he'd say something similar."

"I'm glad you're there for me, at least." April said. "It makes me feel grateful."

"Glad I could be of assistance." Casey said with a smirk. "Now, let's get to class."

"Just a sec." April said. "I need a minute."

"Alright, if you say so." Casey said as he took off and headed to class, leaving April alone.

April sighed as she held her books tightly in her arms and began to head to class, but not before hearing her name on the intercom.

"April O'Niel, please report to the principal's office immediately."

April groaned as she heard more whispers around her. She didn't want to be in any more trouble, but she had to listen to the principal. So she headed to his office.

But little did she know, was that she wasn't going to be in trouble. And that she would have an opportunity for a new first impression as a new student would be coming to her school.

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