Full Moon Jitters

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The couple sat in the garden of the new Beifong estate in Republic City. They had laid out a blanket in the grass and admired the night sky. Lin had suggested stargazing after Kya had still felt restless when the pair went to bed, even after their busy day. Though there was after all, a full moon.

Kya was looking up at the sky with her legs pulled to her chest, arms wrapped around her.

"What does a full moon actually feel like, Kya?" Lin asked as she watched her wife.

Lin observed her partner closely as she explained how the moon, especially a full moon, made her feel. Lin knew of course that a full moon enhanced water bending abilities but had never heard someone explain what it actually felt like. Kya had struggled to find the words at first. She was unsure of how to translate such a complex feeling into cohesive sentences.

"It's like...well it's like I'm strengthened. Not just my bending, but my soul too." Kya started, "It's like I'm bigger somehow."

She smiled as she looked at Lin, noticing how the metal bender never took her eyes away from her. Lin's brow furrowed a little, as it always did when she was concentrating. Kya loved when she had Lin's undivided attention, it made her feel like she was the only other person in the entire world.

Kya turned her head back to the sky and Lin waited. She could tell Kya had more to say and decided she could not and would not interrupt Kya's thoughts.

"Sure it makes me stronger, but I'm not weak without it. The moon adds to my being. Without it I'm not lessened. I feel more myself during a full moon and more connected to everyone near. I feel every molecule of water in my body and in those around me, it's invigorating." Kya finished, still smiling. She turned to face Lin again, who was still wearing that slight frown, but Kya knew Lin was processing what she had said.

"I'm not sure if any of that made much since." Kya continued with a soft laugh when Lin still hadn't spoken. "With earth it's probably different for you, huh? No extra factors, like water and the moon, or even fire and occasionally the sun."

Lin gave a small nod and looked back into the sky. They sat for hours in a comfortable silence, Kya's words clearly still weighing heavily on Lin.

At the first hints of sunrise Lin turned again to Kya.

"Kya?" she said, gaining Kya's attention. They sat for another moment gazing into each other's eyes until Lin spoke again.

"You're my moon." she said. It was the simplest statement charged with the most complex of emotions.

Kya's lips parted slightly with a bit of shock and she blushed deeply. Lin smiled a little at her wife's expression and leaned forward to kiss her softly. However, Kya returned the kiss fiercely and they made out until their lungs burned with the need to breathe. The couple separated slightly, just enough for them to lock eyes again.

After a second, Kya spoke.

"Say it again."

Lin smiled and cupped Kya's cheek with one hand and the back of her neck with the other. Lin pulled a little farther away so she was able to take in all of Kya's face.

"Kya, you're my moon." Lin said again. "You make me stronger, bigger. I love you with every fiber of my being and I am a better person because of you. You bring such happiness and light to my life. You strengthen my soul, dear. You're my moon."

Kya's eyes became misty and she again kissed Lin, softly this time. The sun had risen by the time they untangled from one another and decided to head inside. Lin picked up the blanket off of the grass and stifled a yawn causing Kya to giggle.

"What? I've been up for twenty-four hours on my weekend off, running around with you and your full-moon jitters" Lin said teasingly, making Kya laugh.

"You weren't complaining about my 'full-moon jitters' when we were in bed most of the afternoon." Kya said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Lin rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Let's go take a nap and maybe this afternoon we'll have an encore performance." Lin replied as she took Kya's hand and walked toward the house.

The pair entered their bedroom and got into bed as sleep immediately began to overtake them.

"I love you, Lin" Kya said drowsily as her full-moon high came to an end.

Lin brushed her fingers gently through Kya's hair and responded softly, "I love you too. Sweet dreams, my moon."

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