The New Moon Pt. 12

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"Alright, Lin and Kya, you have been caring for a baby girl, approximately three months old according to information given by the baby's aunt. She has been in your custody as a foster child for the last month, and during this time she has been called 'Neoma', correct?"

The young paralegal, part of whose job is to assist the Beifongs and their attorney, was eagerly helping to prepare them all for court and interrupted, "Actually, it's been four weeks and three days, sir."

The attorney simply nodded and continued, "We have filled an adoption petition, however, the girl's aunt and uncle filed for an emergent hearing which, unfortunately, derails that process. We're having this meeting to prepare you both for what may happen in that courtroom.

"I have reviewed this case, the paperwork and such submitted by both parties and to be perfectly honest, as of right now, I don't think Judge Yin will be in your favor."

"What?" Kya and Lin said in a shocked chorus.

"Well, you see Mrs. and Mrs. Beifong, Judge Yin prides himself on family. In previous cases, he has said that he believes children deserve to grow up with strong parental support of a mother and a father; those who govern their lives by morality, in his words." The paralegal responded.

Kya reached over to grip one of Lin's balled fists. Lin's jaw was tensely wired shut while Kya's own hung slightly agape.

"Looking at the statistics of cases of biological family against any others, his Honor, more often than not, rules on the side of biology; of blood. To put it plainly: this child will grow up amongst her own biological relations with a mother figure and a father figure, and her cousins for pseudo-siblings. I am rather confident that he will grant sole custody to Neoma's aunt and uncle." The lawyer finished.

"So you're saying what exactly? That, in your words, to put it plainly, Judge Yin is homophobic? That because we are both women we have very little chance of being Neoma's parents?" Lin asked, the volume of her gruff voice raising in her frustration though she tried to remain level-headed.

"But, we are legally married. I don't understand how he is able to do that." Kya said, tears already brimming in her eyes.

"I understand that it's unfair. Yes you are married; however, there are loopholes within the system when it comes to the law and same-sex couples. The Judge won't come right out and say anything to indict himself. I'm not saying that it's right, I'm only telling you what is likely." Replied the attorney, "I'm sorry that these are your circumstances, and you have my word that I will do everything I can, but because it is an emergent hearing, the case is handed to whatever judge is available, which means you get Yin.

"I am not saying any of this to deliberately offend or anger you, I am only trying to prepare you for the reality of this situation."

Lin stood, her jaw tensing as she involuntarily began to grind her teeth together.

"Mrs. Beifong-"

"Don't. I can't sit here and listen to this any more." Lin cut the man off and stalked out of the room.

"Mrs. Beifong. Kya. Please, you and your wife really ought to stay for the rest of this meeting. There is much to discuss, things we can try." The attorney tried again, realizing that his blunt approach wasn't the best way to go about this discussion, no matter how honest or true.

"I'm sorry. We appreciate everything you've done so far and we love Neoma very much. Please, just do whatever you can." Kya spoke to the lawyer kindly. Then, she followed after her wife.


They had gone into this meeting hopeful. Until now, the couple had been told that adoption of the infant was on the right track and they were likely to come out of court as a legal family. Today, however, had flipped the world upside-down. 

They weren't naive. They knew that though President Moon pushed for equality for the queer community, that though same-sex relations were now legal, people's perceptions were not suddenly changed. Their community, their friends, Kya and Lin themselves, faced disrespect, discrimination, disregard every day. Even though the opinion of the general public was slowly changing throughout the years and people were becoming more accepting, or at least tolerant, many of those in power, like Judge Yin, refused to acknowledge any way of life other than the 'traditional' society in which they had grown up in. Traditional, conservative, blatantly oppressive society. Lin and Kya, and countless others, fought it every day. They had honestly, unfortunately, grown used to it. 

But this? 

They had just been told that only three days more with Neoma were promised. Because even Raava couldn't know what might happen at the hearing, but it wasn't likely to be good.

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