The New Moon Pt. 6

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Lin woke early, long before her alarm, but she wasn't upset by this for once. She immediately got up and dressed, gathering the paperwork she had brought home and her jacket as she headed towards the door.

As she reached for her keys on the hook by the door, she heard her wife's voice in the back of her mind. With a small sigh, she backtracked to the kitchen. If Kya knew the earthbender had rushed out without at least taking her vitamins, the older woman would have a fit.

Lin popped the pills in her mouth, swallowing them down with her coffee on the way out.

Entering the station, the earthbender noticed the night shift officers glance toward the clock when they saw her. It wasn't unusual for the Chief to be in early, but some of the officers' brows raised when they saw just how early it was.

Lin didn't care though as she went to her office and shut the door. She had a ton of things she wanted to get done this morning, including the documents that were neglected last night.

A couple of hours later, she heard the bright, cheery voice of her secretary greeting everyone with a good morning. She liked to get a headstart on the day so that the Chief could at least start out her day on the right foot. It seemed as though no matter what time Lin came in, her secretary was almost always there first, which was greatly appreciated.

The woman opened the office door, glancing up from the papers she held in her arms she did a double take and stopped short.

"Chief." She said, a little surprised. "It's early- I mean, good morning."

She smiled and continued towards the desk.

"I apologize for barging in, I didn't realize you were here. I've got your updated schedule here, and reports that came in last night for you to approve."

"That's quite all right, thank you." The Chief replied as she reached out for the stack of papers. Though Lin was usually polite to her, the secretary was still surprised by the Chief's good humor this morning.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked as she handed over the documents.

"Yes. I need you to start clearing my schedule for about the next week. Reschedule everything, or give it to Saikhan if you can. When he gets in at shift change I need to speak to him, immediately."

"Okay, um, of course. Can I ask- Just... Is everything alright Chief?"

"Let me know when Saikhan is here." Lin replied, she wanted to get as much done in the next hour as she possibly could. There was a lot to arrange today and she didn't have time for hand holding. The secretary picked up on the stirring irritation in the earthbender's tone and took this as her dismissal.
A knock at the door brought the Chief from her deep concentration. She opened the door with her bending as she finished reading and signing the latest stack of papers.

"Chief." Saikhan greeted as he closed the door behind him. He stood in front of her desk until she had set aside her paperwork and gestured for him to sit.

"I will be taking the next week off."

Saikhan's eyebrows raised to his hairline. Sure the Chief had been keeping more regular hours, but for her to take a week?

"Kya and I... We're taking temporary custody of a child. A baby girl, left at our estate last night. Mako will have started a report last night I'm sure, and it should cross your desk today."

When the Captain's expression hadn't changed, she felt compelled to continue. Lin relaxed back into her chair and he did the same, recognizing that this was his friend that was speaking now.

"I'm not sure what's going to happen with this kid, but we're taking her in for now at least. And depending on how the search for relatives goes... well, I guess we'll see."

Saikhan cleared his throat before reassuring her, "I can take care of things here until you can get settled, Chief."

She gave a slight nod.

"Thank you, Sai. I'm going to try to leave early today too. Call if there's an emergency, don't burn my city down." Lin said with a flash of a small smile just barely gracing her lips.

"If you need anything, Lin, call. My wife and I would be more than happy to help."

After working together for so many years, Lin and Saikhan had inevitably become well acquainted. On several occasions they had even entrusted their lives to each other. Lin gave a nod in acceptance to his offer and again straightened up in her chair.

"Anything else I can do for you, Chief?" The Captain asked. She shook her head in response as she settled back into her paperwork and Saikhan took his leave.
It was about 4 o'clock when Lin packed up to leave that afternoon. As she walked out of the precinct to her car, the Chief allowed her mind to wander, thinking about her wife and the child they were about to bring home. She hadn't allowed herself to think about much other than work until now, as it would've been a distraction from the tasks that had to be done before she took the next few days off.

Sooner than Lin realized, she pulled the satomobile into the driveway of the estate. Upon entering the house, she saw Kya's belongings scattered over kitchen counter and dining room table and smiled slightly, shaking her head. She set her own things in their proper place before gathering Kya's.

Then she headed upstairs to shower and change before they would head back to the hospital. Time slowly ticking away as the earthbender became more nervous and excited.

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