The New Moon Pt. 8

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The next days flew by. Neoma was still mostly sleeping through the night; she was happy and becoming healthier by the day. 

The women had even taken Neoma over to Air Temple Island, where the girl was received with open, and very excited, arms. The baby was taken from Lin's arms by Pema the moment they stepped through the temple's gate and neither Kya nor Lin had held her the rest of their visit. The new baby was lovingly passed around throughout the day. 

Each adult and carefully supervised child held Neoma, talked to, and made faces at the baby girl. Neoma spent time in both of her uncle's arms, though considerably less in Tenzin's, and the Krew also took turns holding the baby. Korra whined about 'baby fever' multiple times, to which Asami just rolled her eyes at her girlfriend. 

Even Mako held the child. Begrudgingly. 

Lin had helped him to get Neoma settled in his arms, gently adjusting him to properly cradle her head. And though Mako sat ridged the entire time, afraid to move, Lin smiled noticing his awe that he couldn't keep hidden under his usual solemn expression.

However, it was Katara that had taken her for the longest amount of time during couple's visit, and this is where they found their foster daughter later that evening. 

The elder waterbender sat outside, away from the noise of after-dinner chatter, as well as Bumi and Meelo's antics. Katara hummed quietly to Neoma while the girl cooed and smiled up at her.

"That song is my favorite one you used to sing to us." Kya said, placing a hand on her mother's shoulder. Katara gave her daughter a soft, knowing smile.

"It seems to be Neoma's as well." The eldest woman said in return.

After handing off the child to Kya, Katara beckoned Lin to come around the bench. She took Lin's hands and shared a meaningful look with her daughter-in-law, before praising Neoma on her temperament and reminding the couple that their family was there to help should they need it. 


When they returned to the Beifong estate, Kya took the sleeping baby upstairs to her crib. The soft yellow walls bringing a smile to the waterbender's face as she tucked Neoma in. She left the door open slightly as she headed back downstairs where she found her wife in the kitchen looking at the phone. 

"You should call them, honey."

"I know." Lin quietly replied. She wasn't sure what made her nervous about calling her sister and mother. They had finally put aside their differences and had become more of a family but still the earthbender was hesitant.

She turned to her wife instead, "A drink first?"

Kya gave a small smile and nodded. She reached for glasses while Lin picked out a bottle of wine. They leaned against the kitchen counter and into each other while they drank. The pair enjoyed the silence together after the long day, until they had finished what was in their glasses.

They stretched the moment as far as they could, and finally Lin pushed off the counter and picked up the phone. While the operator transferred the call, Kya kissed Lin on the cheek then left the room. 

There was the click of the phone being answered then a man's voice, who Lin recognized as Bataar Sr., who stated "Beifong Residence."

"Bataar, it's Lin. I'd like to speak to Su." 

There was a long pause on the other side until finally Bataar responded, "Hello, Lin. I'll get her, give me just a moment."

Lin pulled the phone away from her mouth and blew out a long breath. She hoped this hadn't been a mistake. 

"Lin? It's late, are you okay? Is something wrong?" Su's worried voice came over the phone.

"Yes, Su. I'm fine, Kya's fine, nothing's wrong. And I know it's late, I can call back in the morning if you need." 

"No, no, it's alright. You just don't call often is all, I was worried when Bataar said it was you. What's going on?" Su said, concern still heavy in her voice. Usually, the only time she spoke on the phone with Lin was in an emergency or if she called her older sister. Lin didn't call her. 

A loud pause followed the younger woman's question. "Lin?"

"Come for a visit." Lin said quickly.

"A visit? Did I hear you correctly?"

"Yes, Su. Come to the city. For a visit." Lin spoke more slowly this time with a measured tone.

"Are you sure you're okay? This isn't an emergency? I can be there late tomorrow if it is. Well, if you want me to stop and get mom it will be longer." 

Su had pulled the phone away from her mouth, but Lin still heard her call for her husband to get an airship ready.

"No, Su, really. Take your time, stop by the Swamp, and I'll see you in a few days. There's no rush." Lin tried to sound comforting as she attempted to calm her sister. 

"Let me talk to Kya." Was Su's reply. Lin scoffed and called her wife back into the kitchen. Soon the younger earthbender heard the shuffling of handing over the phone and Lin telling Kya to 'tell her everything is fine.'

"Su, I promise that your sister is okay. I'm okay and so is everyone else. Just come for a visit, please, we'd love to see you." Kya spoke in a relaxed tone that immediately assured the matriarch that there wasn't a crisis. "Okay, thank you. I will. See you soon."

Kya hung up the phone and turned to Lin, resting her hands at her partner's hips. "She's going to arrange some things, then head this way after stopping to get your mom. It'll be a few days." 

"Why will she listen to you, but never to me?" Lin asked rolling her eyes, making Kya snort.

The healer pacified her wife with a series of short kisses and took her hand. They walked upstairs to their bedroom, stopping to check on Neoma together, before crawling into bed themselves.

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