The New Moon Pt.2

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Kya sat at her desk, struggling to fill out the necessary forms for the infant when Lano, another healer, knocked on the open door.

"Hey, Kya. Is it true the Chief came in with a baby?" He asked.

"Yeah, I looked her over but I want to run a few things anyway." Kya affirmed.

"That's crazy, at least she's alright. I would ask if you called the police, but well..." Lano joked and Kya smiled.

"Lin's still with her, giving her a bottle. She turned away the nurse I sent, so I suppose she's pretty comfortable with her. And rather protective."

"No matter how much you tell me about her, I still can't really see your wife having a gentle side. Let alone a soft spot for children."

"They were both pretty content when I left. Lin seems to be quite smitten with the baby...she's given her a name."

Lano gave her a funny look of surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah, well-"

"Wait!" Lano interrupted. "Does this mean? I mean, are you..."

Kya opened her mouth to respond but only stared at him for a moment. She knew what he was asking because it had already crossed her mind a time or two while she had been in her office. She hadn't spent much time with the child but she wasn't opposed to the idea. She knew though that Lin hadn't really either but that her and the girl had formed a connection. Kya loved children after all, her nieces and nephews were bundles of light, love, and energy, and the baby was a beautiful and sweet little thing.

"I don't know about that..." Kya trailed off after finally speaking. "It's only been a few hours, Lano. Plus, there's now an open case looking into the baby and whoever left her."

Lano nodded, and refrained from asking more questions. He could see that Kya wouldn't have any more answers for him, because she didn't even have answers for herself. Instead, he offered to help finish the forms Kya was working on and get them filed for her so that Kya could get back to Lin and the girl quicker.

A short while later, when Kya was able to get back to them, she found her wife sitting in a rocking chair looking out the window with 'Neoma' asleep in her arms.

Kya approached quietly and Lin smiled a little knowing she was there, though she continued to watch the street outside.


Lin knew by the soft tone of her wife's voice that she was ready and had made time to talk about their current situation.

"I can have someone take her to the nursery. Just for a little while, until the testing comes back."

Lin hesitated but nodded, she knew that the baby would be safe in the hospital but the bond they had created still made her worry for the child. Lin carefully handed her off to Kya who then found one of the senior nurses to take her to the nursery.

Lin continued to rock in the chair, she found it to be rather soothing after the stress of the afternoon. Everything seemed insignificant when she was holding the baby, but without her Lin's mind began to race again, as it usually did with worries of work, now with the child, and more. Kya could sense the uneasiness of her wife, there was something else in her aura aside from the usual stress of being Chief of Police.

"I made sure the baby is squared away, still sleeping soundly." Kya noticed the slight softening of Lin's face with this reassurance. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." Lin said simply and Kya could tell it was the truth. Kya pulled a chair around so that she could sit and face her wife.

"What're you thinking about?"

"Mako. He went back to the station to open the case for Neoma. I told him to go home, that it could be started tomorrow but I know he didn't listen." She replied, her brow furrowed as it usually did when she was concerning herself with work. Kya smiled, Lin and Mako were one and the same.

"And the baby? I can see you're quite fond of each other."

Lin looked at her wife. She clearly wanted to say something but her mind wouldn't let her. She looked unsure of her own thoughts and with this Kya knew what Lin wanted to suggest. After a minute, when Lin still hadn't replied, Kya spoke.

"She has to stay overnight for observation according to protocol. But after that, she'll need somewhere to stay, probably a foster home, until any sort of relatives are found."

Lin knew all of this, of course, but Kya found that it never hurt to review the facts. Lin only gave a nod in response, still clearly mulling over her own thoughts. Kya took her wife's hand and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Why 'Neoma'? What does it mean?" Kya asked, she wanted to ask earlier but it hadn't been the time. 

"I read it somewhere once, a long time ago in a book." Lin answered, looking down at Kya's hand that held her own. She took a pause and glanced up at her wife before continuing. 

"It means 'new moon'."

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