The New Moon Pt. 16

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Lin and Kya almost couldn't believe it, but it seemed as though Pema's testimony had possibly put a hint of doubt in Judge Yin's mind. It probably hadn't been enough to sway him but he had a moment of hesitation because of her, and the couple was honored by her words.

After the Judge's question, no one had any time to speak up as the courtroom doors were nearly blasted off their hinges.

Lin cringed recognizing immediately who it was before she had even seen. Destruction of property could only be one person: the Avatar. 

"Sorry about that." Korra's apology for the noise rang through the room. "Got a little excited."

She walked into the room purposefully, flanked by Asami and Bolin. Korra led them to the front row of benches and Kya smiled at the Krew as they entered. The young people smiled back and gave the couple a small wave. 

Attention was quickly shifted towards the still-open doors though, and Lin put her hand on her wife's shoulder while she watched. Behind the Krew many others flooded in; Mako walked beside Saikhan with a few other officers following, Healer Lano and Dr. Yao, and other hospital nurses and staff. Citizens then filed in behind them. 

They were mostly people that Lin and Kya recognized from over the years; people that they had helped or saved from various illnesses, injuries, or situations. But the couple found that while they could put most faces to names, there were some they simply couldn't remember. 

The impact the women had made on the community reached farther than either had considered before.

At one point, the waterbender had moved to stand and Lin held her wife's chair steady when Kya had to immediately sit back down as emotion threatened to bowl her over. Lin brought the fingertips of her other hand to her lips in shock as people from all over the city filed in. Some serious, some smiling, and some nervous, but all bringing with them a heart-swelling feeling of hope to the couple.

Benches filled, as did the isles between them and they packed into the back of the room as well.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Judge Yin demanded from his place in the front of the room.

Kya was grinning by the time the room had been packed full and Lin's lips were parted as she looked over every face in the crowd. The earthbender's eyes misted over and she willed herself not to cry, but looking to Kya she saw her wife's tears slipping down her cheeks at the display.

When there wasn't any more space, the crowd separated as best they could and through the gap Meelo raced in to Pema, followed by Ikki carrying Ronan, and then Tenzin.

The airbender kids waved and shouted their hellos at the couple before Pema could stop them, causing both Kya and Lin to let out a chuckle.

Tenzin joined Team Avatar at the railing blocking off the front of the room. He was careful not to look in the Beifong's direction, afraid his guilt would overwhelm him. However, the airbender put on a brave face and proceeded; this wasn't about him.

The sound of the Judge's banging gavel brought the room back to silence.

"Apologies for our tardiness, Judge Yin." Tenzin spoke. "As one could imagine, receiving this amount of correspondence," he raised a stack of papers he held in his hand, "takes some time."

"I see, Councilman Tenzin." The judge replied, barely keeping a veil over his anger. "And that correspondence is relevant to this custody hearing how?"

"Judge Yin, these people all wish to be character witnesses for Lin and Kya Beifong. By law, they are entitled to speak and you listen. These," he gestured with the stack again "are letters of those who unfortunately could not make it in person."

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