The New Moon Pt. 17

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Kya took hold of Lin's arm as soon as the earthbender was in reach. The couple continued to speak to those who had stuck around after voicing their opinions and stories, though the crowd was notably smaller. Those who had to return to their own lives had taken their leave as soon as was appropriate and the couple issued as many thanks as they could until the attorney caught their attention to return to the front of the room as the recess was nearing its end.

The Judge entered and sat. He took a moment to silently survey the room while he finished gathering his thoughts and he cleared his throat before speaking.

"First, I will ask one last time - Is there anything else either of you wish to bring to my attention?"

There were whispers between Jian, Tywei and their attorney, until the couple stood, clearly against the attorney's advisement. 

Their lawyer stood, "Your Honor-"

"Judge Yin, my husband and I have had time to discuss and we need just one more moment of your time-"

The Judge interrupted Jian then, "Ma'am, I cannot allow-"

"Forgive me, sir, but we insist on apologizing." Jian stated matter-of-factly. Judge Yin raised his brows at this, now curious as to what the couple wanted so desperately to say. He gestured for her to continue.

Kya shifted, shooting a concerned glance at Lin whose brows were already knit together in newfound worry.

"Thank you, Your Honor." She turned then to the Beifongs. "Kya, Lin, we greatly regret the way we have conducted ourselves here today. It is entirely unfair and prejudiced of us to have allowed, and encouraged, our attorney to suggest that either of you- or your relationship for that matter, is immoral. My husband and I apologize for this behavior.

"Judge Yin, we are sorry to have wasted your time here today, however, we can see now that the Beifongs are more than fit to be parents of the baby. All of our testimony should only be seen as a reflection of our own character... 

"Actually, our testimony should be entirely disregarded, because we no longer wish to be guardians of the baby- of Neoma. It is clear now that she already has a family with the Beifongs." Jian finished and sent an apologetic look again towards Lin and Kya before her and her husband took their seats again.

Kya sat with a hand pressed to her chest, mouth slightly agape, while she gripped Lin's hand with her other. The earthbender held on just as fiercely, the creases in her forehead deepened in confusion and disbelief. 

Faces around the room held various looks of surprise and incredulity. Lin closely examined the Judge's expression, as if she would be able to read his mind if only she looked hard enough, and watched his surprise morph into decisiveness. 

The Judge cleared his throat again and the room sat in a deafening silence. It was not lost on anyone present that he still had the ability to not grant the Beifongs custody.

"Taking this information into account, as well as all of the testimonies witnessed here today, I have made my decision. I will be honest, I have had to call my own beliefs into question, and I think that we have all learned valuable lessons in this courtroom.

"With that being said, I will deliver my verdict.

"Due to the evidence and testimonies given here today, and based on the merits of these individuals, I hereby declare the permanent custody of the child to be granted to Lin and Kya Beifong..."

If Judge Yin said anything else, it was impossible to hear over the cheers of the crowd. He didn't attempt to quiet the room, but Lin saw more than heard him rap the gavel signifying the case was closed. Her ears rung and tears fell down her cheeks in relief as she stood and pulled her wife up and into a crushing hug. 

They stood with their arms wrapped around each other until the excitement died down and their family and closest friends were really the only ones left in the room. Kya pulled back from her wife and gave her a soft kiss. When they had parted again, Lin's attention was drawn over Kya's shoulder and she froze. 

"What-" The waterbender started to ask as she turned to see what caught Lin's eye, and she broke out into a grin. "Neoma! Hello, sweet pea!"

Kya rushed to take the girl from the social worker's arms but Lin couldn't get her feet to move. The earthbender gripped the back of the chair beside her and brought her fingertips to her lips in disbelief as she watched her wife hold their daughter close to her chest.

Their daughter.

Kya brought Neoma over to her partner whose hands shook when they approached.

"Lin, honey?" Kya asked, concerned.

The earthbender choked back a sob and carefully embraced her family. 

"We're officially your parents, Neoma." Kya said softly. She held Neoma in one arm and kept the other around her wife, rubbing soothing circles against Lin's back. Lin laughed then, through her tears. After a minute like this, Lin stepped away for a tissue and to compose herself.

"Lin?" Su called her over for a second while Pema worked to herd the family outside. "We're going to head back to the island. I think they wanted it to be a surprise but Korra and the other kids put a little celebration together, so please come join us later." 

Lin gave her sister a small smile and squeezed her hand in appreciation for the invitation-slash-warning.

"Take your time, there's no rush." Su pulled her sister into a hug before following after the rest of the group.

The couple expressed their gratitude for their attorney and his help and Lin worked to gather their things but struggled to stay focused. She kept glancing over to watch her smiling wife bounce their daughter on her hip. The girl giggled and smiled herself.

The sight of them charged Lin's entire being. Strengthened her soul.

Both of them her moon.

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