Solid Ground

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A few days later after that night under the stars, Lin continued to refer to Kya as her moon. She saw how much it meant to her wife each time she said it, the happiness it brought Kya when hearing the pet name didn't seem to dull.

The couple laid in bed, cuddled up next to one another. Lin drew circles with her fingertip as Kya ran her fingers through Lin's hair.

"Linny?" Kya asked softly and her wife responded with a questioning hum.

"I've been thinking about what you said the other night. And I want you to know, if I'm your moon then you're my earth."

Lin pulled her head back slightly to fully look at her wife, arching her brow. The moon's glow shone through the windows and the couple made eye contact in the dimly lit room.

"I know I've said some of this before but you deserve to keep hearing it. You ground me, Lin. I came back from traveling because I realized what I was searching for couldn't be found. Because you were here. I still love traveling but I don't feel like I have to anymore. You are steady and strong when I feel as if I could fall to pieces and solid ground when I feel like I'm floating away.

Lin reached up and stroked Kya's cheek and gave her a soft smile.

"I love you, my moon."

"I love you too, my earth."

The pair looked at each other until Lin bursted out laughing and Kya soon did as well.

"I thought I'd give it a shot. Test it out you know?" Kya said.

"Yeah, no. Never call me that again." Lin responded, still laughing. "It's a beautiful sentiment, love, truly. But no, it doesn't work."

"Yeah, I admit it wasn't great." Kya said shrugging and smiling at her wife.

The couple settled back down and said their goodnights before falling asleep in one another's embrace.

The Moon and The EarthWhere stories live. Discover now