The New Moon Pt. 14

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Click. The receiver was picked up.

"Hello, I believe that you are representing my sister and her wife in a custody hearing in a few days, Kya and Lin Beifong? This is Kya's brother, Tenzin, and I was wondering if there was anything I could do help them."


"Beifong Residence."

"Hello, Su? It's Tenzin... I need your help. Well, actually, Lin and Kya need your help. Have you heard of a character witness?"


"Korra, it's good to see you. I was hoping you and your friends might help me with something. It's for Kya and Lin."

"Anything for the Chief and Kya. What do you need us to do?"


He wasn't sure how to apologize; how to make up for what he had done, for what he had said.

Tenzin spent most of the next few days making phone calls and sending letters. When he wasn't in his study, he was in the city.

Pema wasn't sure he had slept since Kya and Lin had been on the island.

He hoped that this would help.

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