The New Moon Pt. 9

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Even though the baby hadn't been in their custody for very long, the couple still often talked about whether Neoma had grown or not. And at her check up, the women watched the nurse measure and weigh the child, thrilled when the nurse said she had in fact grown. Dr. Yao also shared his enthusiasm as he looked over Neoma's chart and saw her progress in such a short time. 

In the past week, Kya and Lin had flipped a spare bedroom into a nursery. They had picked all walnut furniture that complemented the pale yellow walls, and various plush animals sat throughout the room. Neoma had also met Kya's side of the family, as well as the Avatar and her friends, and Lin's sister and mother were set to arrive later that evening.

The earthbender's nerves were multiplying by the hour, until Kya suggested that she go into the station for the afternoon. Lin wasn't sure about this either, but the moment she stepped into the building her sense of control was immediately restored. 

The Chief wasn't in her armor, but as soon as her officers saw her they sat up a little straighter at their desks. She called Mako over as she made her way to Saikan's office. 

"Lin, it's good to see you. I was wondering how many more days you could stand being away." The Captain joked lightly. Lin gave him a small smile.

"My city isn't in pieces so I suppose you're doing something right." She replied, sitting in a chair opposite Saikan and gesturing for Mako to do the same.

"What can I do for you, Lin?"

"I'd like an update on the case. Anything of note?"

"Unfortunately not, Chief." Mako began, "Neither the hospital nor any of the clinics in or around the city have record of a baby matching Neoma's description. The few prints we could lift off the box left at your house didn't match any we have, and since you and Kya live outside of the city, you don't have much for neighbors."

"The Detective has also checked with taxi's to see if anyone had ridden out there with the baby, and all mail and delivery personnel that have routes on the outskirts of the city, but none noticed anything or recognised the kid." Captain Saikhan added. "I think, and I'm sure Mako will agree, that we have investigated every avenue to find who abandoned the baby. There's not much else to be done, Lin." 

The earthbender blew out the breath she didn't know she was holding and nodded. She sat with this information for a moment, then asked to be filled in on all other happenings while she was out. The Chief listened carefully and gave bits of feedback as necessary, and after a few hours she decided to return home. She was grateful that her wife encouraged her to go. Kya almost always knew what the earthbender needed, even when Lin didn't know herself. 

On her way home, Lin stopped at a florist, deciding to bring home a bouquet of pink roses and green carnations for her wife to show her appreciation.


When Lin came in the house, she was greeted by Kya's voice while she held an imaginary conversation with Neoma as the girl made a range of cooing and squealing noises back at her. Kya was in the living room sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch and Neoma laid on a blanket on the floor.

The earthbender chuckled as she listened to the two and when Kya heard her and turned to face her wife her smile got impossibly brighter. 

"Hey, babe. How was your afternoon? You seem better." Kya greeted.

"I am, honey, thank you." She leaned down and held out the flowers before continuing, "It was good and I checked in with Saikhan and Mako. These are for you."

Kya took the bouquet with one hand and with the other she grabbed the collar of her wife's shirt, pulling her closer and into a kiss. 

"They're beautiful, Linny. I'll go find a vase for them." She said after letting go of Lin. The earthbender took her wife's spot on the floor when she got up and also began speaking to Neoma. Lin talked about her day and how she had missed her and Kya. 

Kya smiled as she listened from the other room while she arranged the flowers in a vase on the dining room table, then went to the kitchen and eventually came back to the pair with a bottle in hand for Neoma. 

"We were just discussing how it was probably someone's dinner time before you came in." The older woman said as she handed over the bottle of formula over to Lin. "If you feed her, I'll get started on something for us."

Awhile later, Neoma was asleep in her crib with a full tummy while the couple sat at the table eating their own dinner. Lin filled Kya in on her trip to the office and what Mako and Saikhan had said about the case. Neither woman was sure how they were supposed to feel about the information.

They began to discuss next steps and what they needed to do to move forward with adopting the girl after the investigation was officially closed, until Neoma began to fuss and cry upstairs.

"I've got her, you've been home with her all afternoon." Lin said, getting up and stopping to put their dishes in the sink before going upstairs.

Kya moved to the couch with a book while Lin checked on Neoma. The earthbender had changed the girl's diaper and had just gotten her to settle down when the doorbell rang. Lin immediately tensed at the noise and heard her wife open the door to greet Toph and Su.

"Lin will be down in a second." Lin heard Kya say as she invited them in.

The earthbender took a second to herself. Taking a deep breath and looking over the girl she relaxed slightly and came down the stairs.

"Lin, there you are. What's going-" Su started immediately questioning as her sister came around the corner, "...on."

Lin cleared her throat. "Hey, Su. Mom." She could tell by the way Toph stood, reaching out with her seismic sense, that the older woman was confused, and Su stood with a dumbfounded expression. "Sit, please, and we'll explain."

The Beifong women did as told and Lin walked over to her mother and asked for her hand. She guided Toph's hand to the top of Neoma's head. The woman gasped softly as she was able to make sense of the extra, unfamiliar heartbeat and she looked upwards as if to look at Lin.

"This is Neoma, our foster-daughter." Lin said. Toph reached up with her other hand and Lin helped her mother to hold the baby. After, she looked to her sister, surprised Su had been quiet for so long.

"Oh, Lin!" She said jumping up and pulling Lin into a crushing hug which the older woman gingerly returned. Su then turned to Kya and did the same to the waterbender. "When did this happen? Why did this happen? She's beautiful, how old is she? You said her name is Neoma? And you're fostering her? Why didn't you say anything? I didn't know you were wanting to be foster parents."

Kya chuckled as her sister-in-law fired questions their way, "Well, we didn't really know either."

The couple began telling their story as Su sat back down near Toph and admired the baby. They finished by telling the pair of how they are hoping to adopt Neoma when they are able to. The women sat in silence for a moment until Toph handed the girl to Su and stood.

The eldest earthbender pulled Lin into a hesitant hug and quietly spoke, "Good for you, kid."

Lin, unable to remember the last time her mother held her, hugged her mother back. Though the embrace ended just as quickly as it had started, Lin still had to wipe a tear from her cheek at the gesture. 

"Well, this is definitely not what I would've ever expected when you called, but I'm happy for you both." Su said to Kya and Lin, smiling. "I didn't think I'd ever get to be an Aunt."

Lin's heart ached at her sister's last statement. She never thought she would get to be a mother. 

But here they all were as a family.

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