The New Moon Pt. 5

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At the hospital, Kya was able to stop in the nursery a few times throughout the night. During a regular shift, the waterbender loved coming by and looking at the babies, they were a reminder of new and good things in the world. And sometimes a break from the sickness and death that was often dealt with was necessary.

While there was a lull for an hour or so, Kya held Neoma and marveled at how perfect the baby was. The healer found that the more she stopped in to check on her, the more attached she became. It was a good feeling, to bond with the child, but walking away to go help another patient was more difficult each time. It was easy to see why her wife had become enamored with the girl so quickly.

Neoma seemed to be well tempered and had almost slept through the night other than one time. It had been fairly easy to get her back down though, a nurse said as she filled Kya in during her next break.

Kya's shift was technically over in a few minutes and with no more patients coming in she went back to the nursery and didn't hesitate to scoop Neoma up. As the healer held the child against her chest she became infatuated with that soft baby smell as she cradled the back of Neoma's head near her own. Kya admired the girl's full head of short, brunette hair, darker than Kya's own had been before it began to gray, as she carefully smoothed it out.

Kya sat in one of the rocking chairs with Neoma and smiled at her as she made a few soft cooing noises. The waterbender leaned her head back, watching the baby as she was gently rocked back to sleep.

Kya must have dozed off at some point too. A nurse came by to check on Neoma and gently woke Kya to take the baby from her arms. The healer glanced toward the clock and was surprised when it showed that it had almost been two hours past her shift.

"I have to leave for a few hours, but I'll be back this afternoon." Kya spoke to Neoma but the information was more directed to the nurse who smiled and nodded.

After handing off the infant, she stood with a yawn.

She didn't really want to leave but she needed to go home. She needed a shower, a change of clothes, and maybe a short nap or at least a cup of coffee.

Or a nap and coffee, Kya thought as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

Soon the waterbender was home and she set her things down, not really paying attention to where they landed. When she got upstairs to the bedroom, fatigue was close to overtaking her.

A shower will just have to wait. Kya thought as she crawled in to the bed that looked oh so inviting after her long shift and promptly fell asleep.

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