The New Moon Pt. 15

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Adoption day.

Kya and Lin woke up ridiculously early, their internal clocks set off by their anxiousness. Neither bothered to try to go back to sleep. Instead, they got up, showered and dressed, before reluctantly gathering Neoma's belongings.

They had to pack up her things so that she was ready to go after court when- If  custody was given to her aunt and uncle.


They had to keep reminding themselves their loss wasn't guaranteed. 


They had made their way to the courthouse and the time had come for the couple to part with Neoma. The women hadn't put her down all morning, even as they sat in a private room going over the process one more time with their attorney. Handing over their foster-daughter to the social worker broke their already aching hearts.

They had dreaded this moment.

This moment of tears and shaking hands and sniffles and red bitten lips and "I love you's" and "goodbyes".

Then a moment to themselves to find composure.

"It's time." 

They straightened their posture and righted their clothing before allowing themselves to be led out of the room, taking a deep breath together as they approached the courtroom doors, then stepping inside.

They were a little surprised to see their family sitting in the first rows behind the railing. Toph, Su with her husband and kids, Katara, Bumi, Pema, and Jinora. The other airbender kids were too young, the couple reasoned, they would've probably been a distraction. 

They were impressed to see that everyone was there.

Everyone except for Tenzin, anyway. 

The sight of their family showing up to support them brought the sting of new tears to both women's eyes. Su caught her sister's hand as they walked past and pulled her into a tight hug. 

"You could've called us, you know." Su said softly. The statement wasn't an admonishment as Lin had expected it to be; Su's tone was gentle and even a little sad. Lin didn't reply, only hugging her sister back without hesitation.

"It's good to see all of you, thank you for coming." Kya said earnestly before asking, "Who called you?" She figured Pema told Bumi and Katara since they had been on the island when the earthquake struck; but as for the Beifongs, she didn't know.

Even when the embrace ended Su still stood at her sister's side, refusing to let go. She firmly held the older woman's hand and Lin oddly didn't seem to mind. "Tenzin called and filled us in, so we showed up in support." Su replied.

Kya and Lin looked to each other then, confused. If Tenzin had called and brought the family together, where was he?

The couple didn't have time to contemplate the matter though because their attorney moved them along to go sit, signifying that the proceedings were about to begin.

Judge Yin called the room to order, already seeming to be incredibly bored as if this was a waste of his time. The Judge then asked for each couple's testimonies given by each attorney.

"Thank you, Your Honor, on behalf of Kya and Lin Beifong. Chief Beifong and Master Kya have cared for- parented, this child for five weeks now. In such time, they have nursed the infant out of malnutrition, have supplied her with a stable home and family, and have deeply bonded with the girl. They..."

After their original meeting, the women had spoken again with the attorney, pulling together their testimony and evidence of why they would be the best parents for Neoma. Hearing this speech for the upteenth time in the past few days made them think they could recite it from memory themselves.

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