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-Angel island-

High above the clouds floated an island hidden to many of the world below. The sky was a deep red as the world itself was breaking apart due to the damages caused by the phantom ruby. On the island sat a temple, with eight glowing emeralds, one bigger then the rest. Standing next to the giant emerald was a being that seemed to be made of water with emerald green eyes, this being was known as Chaos.

Chaos was watching the destruction, trying to figure out a way to protect his home. Just then a flash of green appeared as Sonic, Shadow, and Silver had appeared on the island, injured and tired. Just as Chaos was about to walk up to the three hedgehogs the blast of red energy was sent from the sky into the hedgehogs, turning them into three floating orbs, a blue one which represented Sonic, a black one with a red aura which represented Shadow, and a silver one with a cyan aura that represented Silver.

The three orbs floated around Chaos as now the being was worried as the only heros left were now gone. Suddenly the seven chaos emeralds started to glow as if speaking to Chaos. With one idea left, Chaos walks between the seven emeralds, the orbs still floating around him, and used Chaos control, transporting the island and all it's inhabitants to a world unknown, another universe entirely.

-Takoba Municipal Beach-

We see a young seven year old boy running and hiding as best as he can. This boy is Izuku Yagi. What could he possibly be running from in this trash cover beach you may wonder? Well he is running from two of the greatest monsters he has ever had to deal with in his life, his twin sister Izumi Yagi, and his best friend Katsuki Bakugo.

Izuku ducks behind a mound of trash to try and catch is breath. As he is breathing he can hear some yelling.

Katsuki: "Where is that damn Deku!?"

Izumi: "I don't know, just keep looking."

Just as they were about to continue looking, they hear something shift close by, causing Izuku to freeze. Katsuki and Izumi slowly turn to see Izuku's leg sticking out from behind a trash mound. Soon the chase began again as Izuku started climbing on of the bigger trash mounds.

Katsuki starting to get mad gets an idea, and uses his quirk on the mound causing it to shake. The mound starts sliding into the water as Izuku loses his footing and falls into the water with the trash. Izuku starts freaking out trying to get to land, but in doing so gets his leg caught in some rope as it starts dragging him under the water. Slowly losing air, Izuku starts blacking out as a flash of light appears, and Izuku being gone from where he once was.

Katsuki and Izumi were sacred, because not only did they think they killed Izuku, but also because they were worried that they would get caught. So, they did what any seven year old would do, ran away, missing the flash of light. They promised each other that night to not talk about what happened.

-Angle island-

Izuku suddenly wakes up gasping for air before slowly looking around. We stand up and looks over all the trees that surrounded him. As he was looking around he noticed a temple and started walking towards it. Once he reaches the temple he sees the seven chaos emeralds and the master emerald. He slowly reaches out to the master emerald before he is stopped by a three fingered hand. He slowly looks towards where the hand came from and see a being made of Water.

Izuku: "U-um... hello?" He tries to pull his hand away

Chaos: let's go of his hand

Izuku: "W-who are y-you?"

Chaos didn't speak, as he places his hand on Izuku's head. Memories started to fill Izuku's head, seeing all that Chaos has ever seen and done. Meanwhile Chaos is looking through Izuku's memories, and is worried for the young boy. Chaos pulls his hand away.

Izuku: "S-so your Chaos?"

Chaos: Nods

Izuku: "A-and your home w-was destroyed?"

Chaos: Nods

Izuku: "I-I'm really sorry th-that happened to you."

Chaos: shakes his head before falling forward onto his knees

Izuku: "H-hey are you okay!?" He holds Chaos

Chaos: touches Izuku's head once again

Izuku: "Y-your dying? Because th-this isn't your world?"

Chaos: Nods

Izuku: "I-is their some way I can help you?"

Chaos: shakes his head before touching Izuku's head again

Izuku: "Y-you want to merge with me? So that I c-can protect this place?"

Chaos: Nods

Izuku: "Wh-why me? I'm just a q-quirkless and useless Deku..."

Chaos pulls Izuku into a hug, as if saying that he believes in Izuku. Izuku beings crying as he hold Chaos tightly. The chaos emeralds start glowing as Chaos and Izuku began to glow with them. The orbs that had been around Chaos began glowing to before they are consumed by a bright light.


That's the end of the prologue, tell me what you think of this story.

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