Chapter 13

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Ochako had called the police as soon as she saw her friend fall. Some paramedics arrived and took Izuku to the hospital. Ochako had grabbed Izuku's bags and left with the paramedics to make sure Izuku was okay. Izuku did wake up an hour later and was questioned by a detective to see what happened. After the questioning Izuku was let go as nothing seemed to be wrong with him.

Izuku thanked Uruaka for helping him and walked her home before teleporting to angel island.

-Angel Island-

Izuku sat down and look at the sky for a bit before grabbing the two books he has found. Memories from Sonic had flowed as Izuku looked over the books. Izuku opened the book, "The tale of the knight of the wind," as it glowed brightly. Four swords appeared outside of the book.

Izuku had recognized the four swords, Calaburn, Arondight, Galatine, and Laevatein. Izuku reach for and grabbed Calaburn and lifted it. Suddenly the sword awoke.

Calaburn: "What happened? Where am I?"

Izuku: "Hi Calaburn, I am Izuku, guardian of the master emerald, successor to Sonic the hedgehog."

Calaburn: "Your the successor to the one true king Arthur?"

Izuku had forgotten that was also a title given to Sonic. Izuku nods to Calaburn.

Izuku: "Sadly he is not here anymore. He is a part of me. I need your help if I am to live up to his legacy. I need you to train me in how to use a sword."

Calaburn began thinking. It would be good to have a guardian as a knight.

Calaburn: "As you wish Knave, I shall train you. Gather the three remaining swords and use which one feels right to you. Then I shall see what you can do and what needs to be improved upon."

Izuku gathered the three swords and felt the most comfortable with Arondight, but it wasn't as comfortable a Calaburn. Izuku began swinging the sword around and Calaburn was not impressed.

Calaburn: "We have a lot of work to do."

Izuku nodded, prepared for any struggle that would come.

-Hours later-

Izuku was panting heavily after working for hours.

Calaburn: "That is enough for the day. Please return me and the other swords to our place and we shall continue tomorrow."

Izuku nods and returns the four swords to the book. He looked around the island and noted he needed to find a safe place for the two books. As the moon began rising Izuku felt a pain in his chest. Dark mist started escaping his body as he began changing.

First he started growing dark blue and white fur all over his body. His natural cobalt blue hair turned dark blue with white tips. His hands and feet became clawed. His face started pushing out into a muzzle. He roared once he finished changing, panting even more.

Izuku moved towards a lake and looked at himself. Izuku noted the changes and what he felt when he changed, and began trying to see if any of the heros inside of him knew what this was. And of course, Sonic knew. Izuku had the energy of dark Gaia flowing through him.

Izuku looked at his clawed hands and got an idea. Izuku balled his fist and threw a punch as his arm stretched extremely long. It retracted back to normal as Izuku nodded to himself. He had more training to do.

-Next day-


Izuku had walked into the building waiting for his class so they could get on the bus for their camping trip. Izuku knew he would be training even more so he had brought his book with the sacred swords inside.

The class began loading onto the bus as it drove to a forest and stopped. The doors opened and the students started getting off of the bus, only to see that they were not at the camp. Suddenly four cat themed heros appeared. These four were the wild wild pussy cats. They were told that they had to trek through the forest and reach the training grounds, and if they took to long, they wouldn't get lunch.

The students, minus izuku, were surprised and some tried to run back to the bus only to see it was gone. Izuku got into a running position, as did Iida and Izumi. The three ran trying to get through the forest. Izuku had much more experience with forests and other landscapes thanks to angel island. The three also noticed earth golems that tried to stop them, only for Izuku to blast and destroy them with water.

-training camp-

Izuku was the first to make it the training camp in a record of thirty minutes. The heros were impressed as Izuku noticed a kid and walked over to him.

Izuku: "Hi there, my name is Izuku. And you are?"

The kid looked at Izuku before throwing a punch to a location where any man would feel pain, unless your Izuku. The kid was surprised to see his fist go through Izuku only to realize the Izuku was made of water. The kid pulled his fist back before looking at it, then back to Izuku. Izuku was still smiling, as if the kid had not tried to cripple him for the next few minutes.

The kids just turned around and walked into the building as Mandalady came up to Izuku.

Mandalady: "That is my nephew Kota, sorry about him. He is living with me."

Izuku: "It's alright, I'm not hurt."

Mandalady: "That's good. Why don't you head inside and go get lunch. The others should be here soon... I hope."

Izuku nodded and went inside.


That's the end of this chapter. What do you guys and gals think?

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