Chapter 15

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Izuku groans as he starts getting up. He noticed that he is chained to a wall. Izuku also noticed he was currently in his werehog/wolf form, meaning it was night time. Izuku's ears twitch as he looks to the door of the room and watches as it opens.
A purple mist man walks over.

???: "Hello, I am Kurogiri. My master wishes to speak with you."

Izuku: "Well your, "master," will have to come here."

Izuku shakes his bond hands as he heard a chuckle. Izuku watches as a man in a suit and some sort of mask walks into the room. Izuku's instincts were screaming at him about the amount of power this man was exuding.

???: "Kurogiri, you may leave us."

Kurogiri: "As you wish."

The mist man leaves the room, causing Izuku to focus on the man in front of him.

???: "Well now, I think it's time I begin doing what I came here for."

Izuku: "And what would that be?"

???: "Taking that magnificent power of yours, and letting the darkness I placed inside you take full control."

Izuku growled as the man placed his hand on Izuku's head, reaching for Izuku's quirk. The man however was shocked when he couldn't find a quirk and was suddenly sent backwards into the wall by a blast of energy when he touched the boy.

???: "Fascinating, you don't have a quirk at all."

Izuku: "I could have told you that myself."

???: "Well this certainly complicates things. Well I guess interrogating you will be fun."

Izuku: "Like I would ever tell you anything."

???: "Oh but you will, I always get what I need."

The man grabs Izuku again and sends volts of electricity threw his body. The man was however surprised when the lightning did nothing to the werewolf boy.

Izuku: "Yeah, lightning is part of my abilities somewhat, that won't do anything."

???: "Hm. Then I shall try another for of torture."

This time the man tried burning Izuku, again getting the same result.

Izuku: "Fire as well, and I used to be bullied by a kid with an explosion quirk. You can't do anything."

The man decided to leave the room for now and think of a plan. Once Izuku was alone he began focusing his fire power to start melting the chains and freeing himself. After a few minutes Izuku was free from his chains and began to wait till it was day, to start the next phase of his plan.


Izuku returned to normal as he entered his Chains form. He heard the door slowly creep open to reveal a man with bur scars and black hair. The man was then blasted with water, sending him into a wall. Izuku started running trying to find his way out of the building. He would either avoid or knock out the villains he found before making to the main bar, where many villains, including the masked man was.

-Few minutes later-

An explosion occured in the Kamino as the civilians began running. Izuku was currently  surrounded by villains so he made a dense water shield around himself. Heros began arriving to see Izuku's buddle being attacked. The heros started fighting some of the villains as Izuku sat down, focusing.

-Angel Island-

The master emerald and seven chaos emeralds began glowing brightly. The seven chaos emeralds started growing in size before teleporting to Izuku.


Allmight had arrived and saw a villain he hoped to never see, All-for-one. The hero charged the villain starting a fight. Suddenly Izuku's bubble started glowing as seven giant emeralds appeared next to him. Izuku returned to his human form as he began floating, the seven massive emeralds swirling around him.

The heros, villains, and civilians watch in aw as the emeralds enter Izuku, causing a bright flash of light. When the light fades it reveals the water bubble gone and Izuku floating a bit above the ground, his hair was now white. Izuku had a rainbow aura around him as he slowly opened his eyes, revealing they were a magenta color.

All-for-one quickly attacked the stunned Allmight, causing the hero to fly into a building and de-buff as he was hit in his injured spot. Before All-for-one could make another move on Allmight, Izuku appeared and back-handed the villain into a wall. Izuku snapped his fingers, causing every low class villain to fall unconscious.

All-for-one used a quirk to force Kurogiri's quirk to activate and take all the league of villains away. All-for-one then looked towards Izuku and charged at him. The villain punched the teen in the face only for him to be shocked when Izuku didn't move a centimeter, nor was he bruised. Izuku punches the villain, sending him into a wall as Izuku appears in front of him again and kicks him into the sky.

All-for-one was in a daze when Izuku appeared above him and punched the villain's mask, shattering it and sending the villain to the ground, knocking him out cold. Izuku floated down as the heros began regaining their senses and started gathering the villains. Izuku's hair returned to normal as the emeralds excited his body, shrinking in size, and teleporting back to Angel island. Izuku breaths a sigh a relief before falling forward and being consumed by darkness once again.


That's the chapter, I hope you all enjoyed. I know this chapter is late, it's just I am struggling to figure out a good way to continue writing it. Be sure to check out my other stories and tell me what you think of all of them. Have an amazing day.

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