Chapter 6

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Izuku had appeared outside of U.A. and saw a swarm of reporters, all yelling about getting an interview with Allmight. Izuku sighs and starts heading into the building and when someone tried to stop him he would just become water and walk past or through them.

Izuku walks into class and gets into his seat as Aizawa enters a few minutes later.

Aizawa: "Alright, I saw all of your matches and have written some things that I saw you did well with and others that you need to improve on."

Aizawa goes around passing everyone a paper before returning to his desk.

Aizawa: "Another thing, your going to need to pick a class representative."

Everyone instantly started saying they should be chosen except for Izuku and Iida.

Iida: "Hey! Why don't we all vote? That way we can solve this democratically."

Mina: "But what if someone votes for themself?"

Iida: "We will still see who has the most votes as we will know someone didn't vote for themself."

Everyone seemed okay with that logic.

Izuku: "Before you start voting, don't vote for me. I don't feel like trying to balance at home life, school, and being a class rep. So please don't vote me just because I am really strong."

Everyone nods and starts placing their votes. After a few minutes Iida starts collecting the votes. He starts going over the votes.

Iida: "Alright, for class rep we have Yagi! And for assistant rep we have Yayorozu!"

Everyone seemed okay with the outcomes. Iida did really want to be class rep and was thankful for someone voting for him. Aizawa starts getting up.

Aizawa: "Alright, now that that's done we will be going to the U.S.J for some rescue training."

Everyone got excited as they were taken to the bus with their hero suits on. Everyone gets on the bus and sits where they please and start talking.

Tsu: "Izuku, I am very blunt."

Izuku: "Alright, so what's up?"

Tsu: "It seems to me you have multiple quirks."

Izuku: "Ha, it may seem like that, but it's really just me having a very versatile quirk."

Kirishima: "Yeah man your quirk is so cool, unlike my boring quirk."

Izuku: "Hey, don't look down on yourself. I see your quirk as a shield and spear, a perfect balance of offence and defense."


Soon the bus arrives and everyone gets off. They enter the facility to see the space hero: 13. Uruaka was fan-girling a bit as 13 was her favorite hero. 13 was telling everyone what the U.S.J was and how each area worked.

Aizawa pulls 13 aside asking where Allmight was only to learn he used up all his time doing hero work, which pissed Aizawa.

Kirishima: "Hey cool, they even got fake villains!"

Aizawa turns to where Kirishima was looking as he sees people walking out of a purple misty portal.

Aizawa: "Those aren't fake villains. 13 protect the students!"

Aizawa jumps into action taking out some villains. A man appears behind the students as both Bakugo and Kirishima charge him, but before anyone could react, half of the class was teleported all across the U.S.J.

-With Izuku-

Izuku had fallen into the water zoon and looked around to see a villain charging at him. Before he could react, Izuku was pulled out of the water and onto the boat by Tsu.

Izuku: "Thanks for the save Tsu."

Tsu: "No problem Izuku-chan."

Izuku looks around over the vast number of villains. But then he thought of something.

Izuku: "Tsu, your quirk makes you like a frog correct?"

Tsu: "Yes, why do you ask?"

Izuku: "I don't think they know our quirks, if they did they would have sent you to the ruined town area. So let's think of a quick plan of escape."

As they were thinking the villains were getting irritated and decided to try and sink the ship. Izuku entered his chaos form and drops into the water. Suddenly a whirlpool starts forming pulling all the villains in as Tsu jumps to land and Izuku appears next to her in a green flash.

Izuku and Tsu turn around to see Aizawa hurt and a villain charging at them. Izuku gets in front of Tsu as a hand is placed on his head. As it touches Izuku nothing happens for two reasons, one is Izuku is made of pure chaos energy the resembles water, and the second is Aizawa is using his quirk on the villain.

Izuku kicks the villain away, his eyes shadowed as he vanishes and reappears next to Aizawa, kicking the Nomu away. He gives Aizawa to Tsu.

Izuku: "Take Aizawa-sensei away from here."

Tsu: "But what about-"

Izuku: "Get going Tsu!"

Without waisting a beat Tsu grabs Aizawa and starts taking him to the other students.

Villain: "Probably not your best move their bud."

Izuku wasn't saying anything as he holds up a green emerald.

Villain: "What's that, you want to bribe me with jewelry?"

The gem starts glowing bright.

-Angle island-

The six remaining Chaos emeralds begin glowing before one by one disappearing.


Suddenly emeralds start appearing around Izuku one by one until six are floating around him. The one Izuku is holding starts floating with the others.

Izuku: "You made a big mistake coming here."

Villain: "Oh yeah? And why is that?"

The emeralds start turning black with a dark glow as Izuku's chaos form starts turning black, his eyes now closed.

Izuku: "You just hurt someone very important to me, and for that your going to pay."

A dark purple aura starts forming around Izuku, purple bio-electricity starting to arc off of his body. The villain starts laughing.

Villain: "Sure, sure. Nomu crush this kid."

The Nomu charges and Izuku and punches him. The villain expected to see Izuku gone, but was shocked to see Izuku had caught the Nomu's fist. Izuku's eyes open revealing them to be pure white as he punches the Nomu away.

The villain could only look in shock as the Nomu was sent towards him. He looked back at Izuku as he felt one thing, fear. Izuku starts slowly walking towards the villain.


That's the end of the chapter, I hope it was enjoyable. Comment on anything you thought could have been better and what you hope to see happens next.

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