Chapter 2

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Izuku was standing at the front gates of U.A. with a smile on his face, his dream was finally coming true. People were looking at him weirdly as he just stood there. Suddenly he gets bumped into as he turns and sees some people he has hoped not to see.

Bakugo: "Move it you fucking extra!"

Izumi: "Kacchan, you can't keep calling people extras. I'm sorry about him."

Izuku didn't say anything as he watched them walk off. He hadn't realized that he had clenched his fist as he watched them walk away. He starts heading towards the school and noticed someone falling, thinking quickly he uses his telekinesis to catch the falling girl.

Izuku: "It's bad luck to fall before something big."

???: "Th-thanks, I'm Ochako Uruaka."

Izuku: "Izuku, no last name. Good luck on your test."

Izuku heads into the building and enters the testing room to take the written test. When he receives his test, he begins working fast and gets it finished with everyone else and turning it in. Izuku follows all the others to the busses where they are all taken to the testing grounds. Once they get off the bus they line up and see Present Mic.

Present Mic: "Hello all you wonderful kids, can I get a 'yeah!'"

No one made a sound as an awkward silence filled the area.

Present Mic: "Jeez tough crowd, well anyways this year's entrance exam test is testing your strength against our robots. You gain points by destroying any of the robots, there is the one-pointer, the two-pointer, the three-pointer and-"

Mic was cut off by a blue haired kid wearing glasses as he stands up

???: "Excuse me sir, but you failed to mention the fourth robot and mentioned in the pamphlet. And you," he points at Izuku, "You haven't been paying attention at all."

Izuku: "Oh, I am so sorry... Not. I have been paying attention, and before you so rudely interrupted Present Mic, you would have heard that it's a zero-pointer, and obstacle to avoid. So why don't you sit back down and wait till Present Mic is finish talking."

???: "I am very sorry for interrupting."

The kid sits down as Present Mic gets back to talking about the robots before splitting the kids into different sections of the test city. As Izuku is waiting for the test to start he noticed Uruaka, who looked to be freaking out internally, and decided to walk over. Just as Izuku is about to start walking the kid from before grabs his shoulder.

???: "Are you planning on sabotaging her? She is planning what she is going to do."

Izuku: "Clearly you don't know how to not mess with people, nor can you tell she is clearly panicking and I was planning to calm her down before you-"

Izuku was cut off by the gates to the opening, so Izuku dashes off into the city at great speeds destroying robot as others watch

???: "What's he doing? The proctor didn't start the test."

Present Mic: "What are you all doing!? There is no count down in a battle! Go! Go! Go!"

All the other testers began running into the city, trying to find any robots to gain some points.

-Observation room-

Nezu: "It seems we have a fine crop this year."

Allmight: "I agree, my daughter is at the top of the charts if I am correct."

Nezu: "Actually, she is in third, the one on top is a participant named Izuku."

Allmight thought he heard Nezu wrong.

Allmight: "Could you bring up his file?"

Nezu: "Sure, his name is Izuku, no registered last name, and he calls his quirk Chaos. He had very long blue hear and emerald green eyes."

Present Mic: "Well from what I have seen he can run really fast."

Nezu: "Yes, but earlier thanks to the cameras at the front of the building I also learned that he has some telekinetic abilities, which he used to catch another participant that had tripped."

Aizawa: "Nezu, I think now is the time to release the zero-pointer."

Nezu gained a sinister smirk before pressing the button to release the zero pointer.

-Test city-

Izuku destroys another two-pointer and starts looking around again before he feels the ground shake as he sees the zero-pointer. He watches as other started running away, and before he could think of doing the same, he notices Ochako trapped under some rubble, with the zero-pointer getting closer. Without thinking, Izuku dashes towards Ochako and starts to use his telekinesis to life the rubble off of her.

Izuku: "It's alright, I got you."

Uruaka: "Thank yo- look out!"

Izuku turns to see the zero-pointer about to crush them, so he quickly uses his telekinesis to toss Ochako to the guy that had been harassing him earlier before it the zero-pointer stepped on him. Ochako watched in horror as he hero got crush. The zero-pointer's foot lifted as they see a puddle of water, which confused everyone. Soon the water starts to pull itself back together into Izuku's Chaos form as arcs of bio-electricity were arcing off of him.

Izuku: "Now it's my turn."

Izuku holds his hands out as a cyan aura comes off of his body, the zero-pointer freezing in place as if being held by something. Before anyone could react, the zero-pointer was crush by Izuku as he throws it away from everyone. Izuku returns to his normal form and breaths a sigh of relief.

Izuku: "There, now I wonder how many points I can scrounge up."

Before he could get moving, he hears the announcement go off

Present Mic: "And time is up!"

Izuku sighs before heading to Ochako and the blue haired kid as takes her, heading towards Recovery girl.

Recovery girl: "My my, that leg looks pretty banged up, here deary, let me fix you up."

Recovery girl kiss Uruaka, causing Uruaka to get tired. Izuku could hear someone talking about Recovery girl before he starts walking away, a smirk on his face as he feels that he definitely got into the hero course.


That's the end of the chapter, what do you guys think? Is their anything you think I could have done better, if so comment down below.

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