Chapter 3

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A portal of flame opens and out steps a female purple cat, he body glowing as if it was on fire. She looked around and saw the destruction that the phantom ruby was causing. She saw Knuckles hurt as she rushes over to him.

Blaze: "Knuckles, are you okay?"

Knuckles: "Blaze? Why are... you here?"

Blaze: "I have been trying to get here so I could help."

Knuckles: "G-get me... to the phantom ruby... I'll try to stop it."

Blaze nods as she grabs Knuckles and starts flying towards the ruby. Once they get close enough they see it sparking with lightning as Knuckles tries to use his remaining Chaos energy to deactivate the ruby as best as he can. As the ruby slowly weakens it blasts two last bolts of energy, hitting Knuckles and Blaze, making Knuckles a red orb and Blaze a purple orb with a flaming aura as the Sol emeralds float around her before both orbs, the emeralds, and ruby are transported away.


Izuku was sitting with Nezu as he was planning on heading back to Angle island to check on the others.

Izuku: "I am planning on heading back to Angle Island and be with everyone so is there any specific amount of time I need to be back by?"

Nezu: "Yes, I would like it if you came back in a week so you not only get your results, but possibly start classes the week following."

Izuku: "Alright then, I guess I'll see you in a week."

Izuku gets up from his seat and backs away as he pulls out the green chaos emerald. The emerald begins glowing in his hand.

Izuku: "Chaos control!"

And like that Izuku was surrounded in a green flash before it disappeared and there was no trace of him.

Nezu: "I am glad he wants to be a hero, because I don't think we could ever stop him."

-Angle Island-

A green flash appears and when it fades Izuku is standing in the open with a smile on his face.

Izuku: "It feels good to be home."

Suddenly Izuku gets tackled to the ground by the critters, Chao, and wisps. Izuku starts laughing as they cover him.

Izuku: "Guys, guys, I missed you all to. I get to stay here for the next week, doesn't that sound great?"

The creatures all sounded happy to hear that their friend would be staying with them. Suddenly a red flash appears and Izuku jumps up on guard. He sees two orbs appear as they start floating around him, the seven fine cut emeralds appear and float above their chaos counterpart except the green one that floats where the green emerald would be floating, and the ruby he remembered seeing in the memories of Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Chaos.

Izuku: "What happened on Mobias for this to appear here?"

He slowly walks forward, being on guard in case something happens. He grabs the ruby as he feels it's weakened energy. He thinks of what to do with it before he feels the two orbs enter him. Memories of a red echidna and purple cat run through his head.

Izuku: "So Mobias is safe, but they lost a lot of their heros because they merged with me. I can only hope to carry on their legacy."

Izuku closes his eyes to focus his energy and test his connection with the Sol emeralds. He could feel a new fire in him he never felt. This fire felt amazing as he becomes his Chaos form and holds his hand up, a flame appearing and hovering over his open palm.

Izuku: "I gotta start training now, to better grasps these new powers."

He returns the green chaos emerald to it's pedestal before going off to train.

-1 week later-


A green flash shines as Izuku appears in Nezu's office.

Izuku: "Hey Nezu, you wanted to-"

He stops himself when he sees the Allmight was in the room

Izuku: "Um... is now a bad time?"

Nezu: "No, no, in fact Allmight here was just leaving, isn't that right?"

Allmight: "R-right, have a nice day."

Izuku watches as Allmight leaves the room. Once the door shuts Izuku takes a seat in front of Nezu.

Izuku: "What was that about?"

Nezu: "Oh, just Allmight placing some unneeded suspicions."

Izuku: "He's suspicious of someone? Who?"

Nezu: "You actually, he believes that your some agent of All-for-One because you seem to have multiple quirks."

Izuku: "Who is All-for-One?"

Nezu: "Oh, just a two-hundred year old villain with the power to take and give people quirks."

Izuku was now pissed. His sperm downer thought that he was a villain.

Nezu: "Well anyway, I would like to congratulate you and say you have passed the test with the highest score, so your now in the hero course in class 1-A."

All the anger Izuku felt vanished quickly hearing that he not only got the highest score, but got into the hero course.

Izuku: "Thank you so much for having me, I promise to try my hardest."

Nezu: "That's all I ask, now I would like it if I could somehow get in contact with you easier, I don't think taking a few hours to use a helicopter to get to you would be smart."

Izuku nods and starts thinking of some way to fix the problem

Nezu: "Fortunately I had thought about this before, so here."

Nezu places a phone on his desk and pushes it towards him. Izuku was shocked and picks up the phone.

Izuku: "Sir... you have no idea how much this means to me."

Nezu: "Think of it as one of the many ways I plan on making up for all the suffering you had to go through in your younger years."

Izuku was openly crying tears of joy, it was the first time he had gotten a gift from anyone except the inhabitants of Angle island.

Nezu: "And one last think, I don't plan on you needing a uniform as I believe that would feel uncomfortable to you as you haven't worn one in a long time, as long as your pants are on, I am alright with it."

Izuku nods and smiles at Nezu. He was really happy Nezu found him, he could actually have somewhat of a normal life now.


That's the end of this chapter, tell me what you think. Could I have done things any better? What are you looking forward to in the next chapters? Is there something you want in future chapters? I may use some ideas you suggest.

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