Chapter 11

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Everyone was in class chatting with one another. They were talking about how well they did in the sports festival. Some were very disappointed in themselves, others were okay with where they placed.

Izuku walks into the classroom and all the others look towards him. They now knew some of his darkest secrets, and they couldn't help but be curious to why he ran away. Izuku ignores his classmates and walks over to his seat and sits down. Izuku could feel the stares directed at him, but he continued to ignore them.

The classroom door opens and Aizawa enters.

Aizawa: "I was impressed with your performances at the sports festival, some of you could have done better. But now I will show you your offers for your hero work studies."

Aizawa presses a button as a hologram of everyone's names and the number of offers they got. Izuku got the most offers, followed by Izumi, Todaroki, and Bakugo. Izuku was excited to get to work and was more then prepared as he knew who he would work with. He had noticed Iida was acting different and plans to work with whoever Iida worked with.

Izuku and Iida both got on a train and sat apart as they waited to arrive at near Manuel's agency.

-Hours later-


Izuku, Iida, and Manuel all enter Hosu as Nomu begin attacking the city. Iida suddenly runs off as Izuku and Manuel try to help citizens get to safety.

Izuku: "Sir! Iida went off on his own! I think he is after Stain!"

Manuel: "The hero killer? Damn it. Izuku, I am giving you permission to use your quirk and protect Iida and anyone else in danger."

Izuku nods before helping some more people and dashing off to find Iida.

-Random alleyway-

Iida rounds a corner and sees a downed hero, and his target. Iida charges as Stain with a roar but stain dodges and cuts Iida. Stain then licks his blade and Iida freezes.

Stain: "A child in a costume, and your eyes show rage. You want vengeance, so your not a true hero."

Stain turns away.

Stain: "I'll deal with you after I kill this fake."

Stain slowly walks towards the downed hero but dodges a blast of water as Izuku in his chaos form walks in front of Iida.

Stain: "Oh? Another one?"

Izuku: "I'm very disappointed in you Iida. Your supposed to be the class representative and here you are, chasing a villain in search of revenge."

Iida: "Izuku, get out of here, this is my fight."

Izuku: "Not happening, you and the other hero are in no shape to fight, I have to protect you both. After all a hero is supposed to medal in things that don't involve them so they can save others."

Stain starts smiling at Izuku, thinking he may have found a true hero.

Stain: "I'd leave if I were you. The world needs true heros and not fakes like these two."

Izuku: "If I was to leave, then I wouldn't be a 'true hero.' I will protect and save these two from you!"

Izuku sends a blast of fire at Stain who dodges. Izuku starts blasting fire at Stain while using his telekinesis to bring the downed hero to him and Iida. Stain jumps over Izuku with his sword pointed down at Iida as he starts falling.

Blue bio-electricity starts arcing off of Izuku as time starts slowing down. Izuku runs up a wall and jumps at Stain, kicking him away from Iida and sending him creasing into a wall. While stain was down he sent his location to his class group chat hoping someone would come with backup.

Stain groan as he gets up.

Stain: "Your fast."

Izuku: "You have no idea."

Stain charges again but jumps back as a wave of ice comes in front of him.

Izuku: "Perfect timing Todaroki."

Todaroki: "Next time you send a message, send more then just your location. The heros will be here once they are done dealing with the Nomu."

Izuku nods as he rushes Stain. Stain thrusts his sword at Izuku as the sword moves threw Izuku, not killing him. Izuku kicks Stain towards a wall as Todaroki sends a blast of fire at him. Izuku charges a chaos spear in his hand and throws it at Stain.

Stain gets hit and starts to bleed. Izuku then uses his telekinesis to hold stain in place. He lowers Stain and starts removing all of Stains weapons and then tying him up. Todaroki helps Iida and the hero up as Izuku carried Stain out of the alleyway.

As Izuku and Todaroki exit the alley heros rush over to them and notice the tied up Stain. The quickly got the police to come as a Nomu suddenly flies and grabs Izuku. Izuku drops Stain and grabs the legs of the Nomu. Izuku pulls himself out of the Nomu's grabs as he gets on its back and forms a chaos spear and stabs it into the Nomu's head.

The Nomu hurdles down towards the ground as Izuku teleports infront of it.
Hero run over to Izuku to check on him and are glad to see he is okay. Izuku sees a purple mist appear on a roof top and it fades. He sighs and goes with the heros.


That's the end of the chapter, what do you think?

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