Chapter 8

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-Sports stadium-

Class 1A were in their area, waiting to be called out. Todaroki starts walking towards Izuku as Izuku looks at him.

Todaroki: "It's obvious your strong, so that's why I say I will beat you with only my ice."

Izuku: "Keep telling yourself that, only going at things half power makes you less of a threat."

Izuku starts walking away, leaving a mildly annoyed todaroki behind. All of class 1A walks out as they see other classes coming out after them. Izuku was called to the stage to give a opening pledge. Izuku walks up on stage.

Izuku: "I came here to show everyone how great a hero I can be, so I am going at full throttle from the start."

Izuku walks off stage as Midnight announces the first event, an obstacle race. All the students gets ready as the race soon begins. Time slows down as Izuku restarts running out of the entrance. Izuku watches as Ice slowly fills the entrance to the obstacle course but he gets through just fine.

Todaroki was annoyed to see his ice didn't stop Izuku, more like didn't effect him at all. Izuku kept running, passing the giant zero-pointers from the entrance exam. He jumps on to one of their hands and runs up it's arm and charges towards it's head. Fire starts forming in Izuku's hands as he blasts the head of the zero-pointer with it, destroying it and causing it to fall back.

Izuku lands and dashes forward again, his body letting off more bio-electricity. He slows down a bit and reaches a giant chasm with stones all up around at random spots and a rope that lines across.

Izuku starts rubbing in circles, getting faster and faster, more bio-electricity coming off him, as he runs forward and jumps over the chasm. Izuku continues to get faster as he dashes over the mines, causing explosions behind him. He sees the end of the track and jumps into the stadium, causing all the bio-electricity to shoot off of him and cause an explosion if electricity. All technology over Japan goes out due to this, even some satellites.

Everyone was shocked at what they had just witnessed as all the lights, cameras, and screens shut off.

Mic: "Yo eraserhead, what the heck was that!?"

Eraserhead: "I knew he produced bio-electricity, but it has never caused a power outage before."

The other students starts arriving but we're still shocked as to see everything was down. It took a few hours but soon the power had returned.

Midnight: "Well now that that's fixed! I'd like to announce the next event! It's a team cavalry battle! Everyone will have to group up. And you win by gaining the most points! Your points are determined by your placement."

Midnight starts listing everyone's points before getting to first place.

Midnight: "-and first place is worth 10,000,000 points!"

Everyone turns to look and glare at Izuku, who turns towards them and flares some fire around him and some bio-electricity, causing everyone to back off. Though he does end up teaming up with a girl named Mei from the support course, Tokoyami and Uruaka.

Izuku: "I have an idea, I am going to float in the air while you guys try to get use some more points."

Uruaka: "But what about flying teams?"

Tokoyami: "And don't forget Yagi."

Izuku: "If I need to, I can send them away with my telekinesis and energy attacks."

Everyone agrees and mounts up as the event begins as Izuku is sent into the air. A cyan aura covers Izuku as he begins to float above the stadium. Izuku watches as Bakugo started blasting himself towards him, so he sends some chaos spears at him. Bakugo had some trouble avoiding them as the came at a fast pace, until he feels himself freeze as a cyan aura was around him.

Izuku flings Bakugo back down as Sero uses his tape to catch Bakugo before they could get eliminated. Izuku looks around and sees an ice pillar coming towards him as Todaroki's teak was racing up it. Izuku starts gathering energy within himself as he starts shining a bright yellow.

Izuku: "Chaos blast!"

A explosion of energy flies off of him, causing a blinding light. When the light fades you could see team Todaroki back on the ground and the ice pillar destroyed. Everyone was surprised at Izuku's display of power, and wondered what else he could do.

Soon the buzzer goes off as we learn that only four teams survived, team Izuku, team Todaroki, team Bakugo, and team Shinso. Everyone left the arena as it was being cleaned up for the next event. Izuku sighs and goes to sit by himself and meditate to collect his powers and calm his chaotic energy.


That's the end of the chapter, it's shorter then the others but I do hope you all enjoyed it. Could this chapter have been better?

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