Chapter 19

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The class had gathered together in a large gym. The students were gathered in a line as Aizawa walked forward.

Aizawa: "Alright class, the provisional license exams are coming soon, so today's training will be the creation of your ultimate moves. We have Cementos here so he can make more test dummies and fix whatever you break."

The class nodded and started spreading out thinking of moves to use.

-With Izuku-

Izuku: "I was thinking of learning some of your moves... but I think I know them all."

Sonic: "Oh you definitely don't know all my moves. I still have some that were from when I was in cyberspace."

Izuku: "You were where?"

Sonic:  "Cyberspace, specifically the Starfall islands, that was a crazy adventure. I have some skills I learned there that might help you out."

Izuku: "How come I don't have any of those memories?"

Sonic: "Probably because you never interacted with Cyberspace, so you never gained access to those memories."

Izuku: "Well how do I gain access to those memories?"

Sonic: "You need to use some form of technology so I can unlock the memories."

Izuku: "I'll go ask someone for their phone."

Izuku walked around trying to find someone close by with their phone before running into Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Problem child... what do you want?"

Izuku: "Could I borrow your phone really quick?"

Aizawa: "Why?"

Izuku: "It would be too complicated to explain."

Aizawa pinches his nose and sighs before pulling his hand out and handing it to Izuku.  Izuku grabs it as his hand glows blue with some magenta energy appearing. Izuku smiles as new memories enter his head and he hands Aizawa his phone back.

Izuku: "Thanks sensei, and expect me to look different for the remainder of my time here."

Aizawa: "And why is that?"

Izuku smirks and turns around.

Izuku: "Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise."

Izuku heard Aizawa groan as he walked away.

Izuku: "Alright, let's try these moves out."

Izuku closed his eyes and got into a running position. He opened his eyes as blue and magenta bioelectricity formed around him. He dashed forward and ran around a concrete pillar, leaving an energy trail. When he finished going around the pillar, it was launched into the air.

Izuku: "Yes! It worked! The Cyloop worked!"

Izuku instantly decided to try the next move, but before he could he heard Bakugou yelling. He turned to see some concrete falling towards Yagi. Thinking fast, Izuku jumped up and formed a ball, blue energy spheres forming around him in a circle before blasting towards the falling concrete, destroying it and saving Yagi.

Izuku lands on the ground and sighs.

Izuku: "The homing shot works. Man, looks like I need to change my form now. This form isn't as nimble as it needs to be for using more of these moves, luckily I can do this."

Izuku closed his eyes and sat in a meditation stance. Blue and Magenta bioelectricity formed around him once again as he began to change.

He started getting shorter as he began growing blue fur. White fur appeared on his chest as light blue markings formed on the palms of his hands. His hands and feet became a red color that slowly fades into blue as it moves up Izuku's arms and legs. He grew seven large quills, two of which moved downward from his head while five moved upwards, two smaller quills that moved downward from his shoulder blades and a small tail. Red highlights appear on his head quills as he grows a muzzle with a round black nose appearing on it.

Soon the energy began to fade revealing emerald green eyes as Izuku formed some water to get a better look at himself. He now stood 3'3" and was happy with how his new body turned out.

 He now stood 3'3" and was happy with how his new body turned out

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Sonic: "Looking good little buddy."

Shadow: "This form... is acceptable."

Silver: "I think it looks great."

Knuckles: "It's good... but why a hedgehog? Why not an echidna."

Blaze: "Or a cat."

Izuku: "Well I have had Sonic, Shadow, and Silver inside me longer than you two, and I kinda wanted to keep the tradition of a mighty hedgehog going. Also, I get most of my super forms from Sonic."

The others were satisfied with the answer, if still a little annoyed, but accepted it.

Izuku: "And I think I'll stop just being Izuku, no last name. Now, I'm Izuku the hedgehog, the second Chaos!"

Izuku began to resume his training. Learning moves like the grad slam, phantom rush, sonic boom, stomp attack, quick cyloop, wild rush, cyclone kick, loop kick, cross slash, and the spin slash.

Soon the class had to regroup and everyone was staring at Izuku.

Izuku: "What? Is there something on my face?"

Izuku smirked as everyone did an anime fall.

Aizawa: "I guess this is what you meant earlier."

Izuku: "Sure is, and call me Izuku the hedgehog now."

The others nod before having to write down notes on what they had done and how the move worked. Everyone was handing in their papers when Izuku walked up and sat down a notebook on Aizawa's desk. Everyone looked at him.

Izuku: "One sheet of paper isn't going to be enough for the twelve moves I, 'created,' so I needed a notebook. I also wrote down my other moves if that helps."

Everyone did another anime fall again as the bell rang. Izuku smirked and ran out of the room. He could faintly hear Iida yelling about running in the halls and using his quirk.


There is the chapter. It sure has been awhile since I wrote a chapter for this story. I hope everyone enjoys it and likes what I included. Leave any suggestions you have in the comments and tell me what you think.

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