Chapter 7

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Izuku was slowly walking towards the blue haired villain. He empty eyes focused on defeating the villain that harmed his teacher. Just the the Nomu gets up and charges Izuku only for it's punch to get caught again.

Izuku: "Your getting annoying."

Izuku tightens his grip on the Nomu's fist as he flings it up into the air. Izuku holds his hand out as yellow energy appears in it.

Izuku: "Chaos spear!"

Izuku throws the spear at the Nomu, severing and cauterizing the wound. The Nomu landed on the ground and screeched a wild sound before charging again. Izuku growl and jumps over it, floating as it passes under him. Izuku turns to it and prepares another chaos spear, this time throwing it at the Nomu's exposed brain.

The chaos spear moves right the the Nomu and hits the ground, the Nomu following short after as it is now dead. Izuku slowly turns to the blue haired villain who had a look of fear written all over his face.

Villain: "Ku-Kurogiri, get us out of here, now!"

Mist starts coming off the mist man as it covers both the blue haired villain and the mist villain. Soon the mist disappeared and both villains were gone. Suddenly the doors to the U.S.J burst open.

Allmight: "Fear not! For I am-"

Izuku: "Your late."

Every stopped and looked over at Izuku, seeing him in his dark form, that genuinely scared everyone.

Izuku: "You we're supposed to be here, where were you? Why weren't you here? Is being a hero more important than teaching your students? Did you come here just to make this place a target for villains?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Izuku say this.

Allmight: "No, none of this was supposed to happen."

Izuku: "So what? Your just going to ignore your duties as a teacher? I can tell your a terrible father already."

Izumi was shocked and decided to defend her father.

Izumi: "What are you talking about, he has been great to me!"

Izuku: "What about your brother?"

This caused everyone, especially Allmight, Izumi, and Katsuki to freeze.

Momo: "What's he talking about? What brother?"

Izuku: "You didn't tell your friends did you? That you had a brother. That you tormented him for something he couldn't control. That you killed him."

This shocked everyone, Izumi had some brother she apparently killed.

Izumi: "I don't know what your talking about!"

Izuku: "Oh I am sure you do, after all his 'death' was eight years ago at a beach."

Izumi tenses, even more afraid.

Izumi: "H-how do you know about that?"

Izuku: "Quite simple, I was their."

This caught everyone's attention.

Katsuki: "Oh yeah you damn extra? If this did happen then why didn't you go to anyone?"

Izuku: "Simple really, and I have two reasons. The first is that a whole lot of people don't care about quirkless people and what happen to them. And second is her father, being the number one hero, would probably cover it up to hide what his prescious daughter and her friend had done."

No one could believe what they were hearing. The people they thought they knew has suck a dark secret and had gotten away with it, or so the two thought.

Izuku: "But back to Allmight, if I remember correctly you neglected and ignored your son, as did your wife. Did you know about the bullying? The sabotaging at school? The suicide baiting? I know all about it."

Izumi: "H-how do y-you know about it?"

Izuku: "Simple, I was a secret friend and he told me everything, and I mean everything."

Izuku's chaos form started returning to normal as the chaos emeralds regain their color, six of them returning to Angle Island.

Kirishima: "Hey, what were those?"

Izuku: "Special artifacts only I can use, and they have returned to my home."

Izuku walks past everyone and outside the U.S.J. The police had come around and gathered the villains and drove them off to Tartarus. Paramedics took the injured Aizawa and 13 and quickly started getting them to the hospital. They also grabbed the Nomu's body to examine it and figure out what it was. All the students had to give statements as to what happened at the U.S.J.

-Next day-


Izuku still hadn't talked to anyone sense yesterday, even his friends, which was worrying for them. Suddenly the door to their classroom opened as a bandaged Aizawa enters the room.

Iida: "Aizawa-sensei, your here!? Are you sure it's a great idea for you to be here like this?"

Aizawa: "Yes, I am a hero and I need to always be up and ready to help."

Kaminari: "Man, your so hardcore."

Aizawa: "Anyways, I do want to say your fight isn't over..."

The silence was suffocating as they thought more villains were coming.

Aizawa: "The sports festival is coming up, and before you ask if it's a good idea to continue it, we are going it to show the villains that we are not giving up and we will keep fighting."

Everyone started to get excited as class ends. Izuku goes to leave, and as he opens the door he sees a crowd of students. Not trying to deal with them, he becomes his Chaos form and walks through the crowd. Some students thought that he was full of himself, but those few who saw it, noticed that he was mad, sad, Brocken almost. Something happened to him, and now they were curious. One purple haired student was the most curious and decided to follow Izuku. Once Izuku was outside, he pulled out his chaos emerald and teleported home, leaving a surprised group of students.


That's the end of the chapter, it's a bit shorter and probably not what you expected, but I still hope you enjoyed reading it.

I started writing another story, so check it out and tell me what your think.

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