Chapter 5

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Izuku was in class talking with Uruaka with a smile on his face. Anyone that looked over and saw his smile was blinded by how bright it shined. The class had gotten to know one another better after the first day, and they were glad everything turned out okay.

Suddenly Izuku perks up and looks towards the door. The door suddenly flings open as Allmight bursts into the room.

Allmight: "I am coming through the door like a normal person!"

Everyone was surprised to see Allmight except for Izumi, Katsuki, and Izuku. The others were all talking to one another about Allmight.

Allmight: "Today we will be doing some battle training!"

Everyone was excited to train, however some seemed more excited then others.

Allmight: "And the most important part of being a hero is looking the part!"

Allmight presses a button allowing a wall to go down and reveal 19 cases labeled by name. Izuku just followed Allmight to the testing ground. Their was an awkward silence as Izuku and Allmight waited for the others to arrive.

-10 minutes later-

Everyone was standing together as Allmight was explaining the rules. Izuku wasn't listening as he didn't care about what his sperm downer was saying. Soon everyone was getting paired up, and it was ironic that Katsuki and Izumi were paired up. Izuku himself was paired with Iida, which made a speed specialized team.

Izuku and Iida we're chosen to be the hero team, while the villains were Katsuki and Izumi. Izuku and Iida were standing outside the building.

Izuku: "Alright, I might have a plan."

Iida: "And what would that be?"

Izuku: "The ash blonde one seems to have a temper on him, and I can tell he won't want to sit still for long, so we should split up, use our speed to cover the building as fast as possible."

Iida: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Izuku: "It's the best we got, trust me."

Iida reluctantly agreed and gets ready. Both the hero and villain teams hear the announcement to begin. Izuku and Iida dash into the building before splitting up.

-With Izuku-

Izuku was checking doors left and right, but before he could head towards the next step he is stopped by an explosion caused by Bakugo.

Izuku: "Well hello there, fancy meeting you here."

Katsuki: "Shut up you damn extra, I will prove that I am stronger then you!"

Izuku readies himself as Bakugo charges forward. Izuku uses his speed to get out of the way. He turns to see Bakugo growling and charging again.

Izuku smirks as he gets an idea. He lets Bakugo get close as he gets hit by an explosion in the head. Smoke fills the area and it slowly clears revealing a limp and headless body of Izuku.

-observation room-

Everyone in the room had faces of pure horror all around. They did not expect to see one of their fellow classmates murdered. They could see that Bakugo was surprised as well with what happened, as he seemed to be frozen in place. However a girl with long black hair and a revealing costume noticed something.

Yayorozu: "Wait look!"

Everyone turns to the screen and breaths a sigh of relief.

-With Izuku-

Izuku's body starts standing up as water from the pipes start to break out and move towards the headless body. Izuku's head slowly reforms with a smirk on his face. His arm was stretched out as a cyan aura came off of him and held Bakugo in place.

Izuku: "Thanks for letting your guard down, it was really helpful."

Izuku starts tying Bakugo up as he hears Allmight say that Bakugo was captured. Izuku starts making his way to where Iida was, hoping to find Izumi.

-With Iida-

Iida entered another room on the top floor quietly and noticed Izumi standing guard. He presses his com to contact Izuku but couldn't get a signal, which worried him. However he was relieved when he heard that Bakugo had been captured so he knew Izuku was alright.

Izumi: "Damnit Kacchan, why did you have to get caught."

Iida thinks of a way to try and get to the weapon and as he is about to conduct his plan he bumps into a table, alerting Izumi.

Izumi: "Alright hero, I know your there, come out!"

Iida slowly walks out ready to dash forward but before he could move he was frozen in place.

Iida: "Wh-what the?"

Izumi: "You really should have stayed hidden, my quirk works well if I know exactly where what I want to move is."

Suddenly the door burst open revealing Izuku as Izumi looks over at him.

Izumi: "So you defeated Kacchan huh? Well I guess I will win for the both of us."

She tries to use her quirk on Izuku only to be shocked as he starts walking forward.

Izuku: "What's wrong? Your quirk not working like you thought it would?"

Izumi: "H-how are you doing this?"

Izuku: "Simple, I am using my own telekinetic abilities to cancel our your own. It also helps that I am much stronger then you are."

Izumi couldn't believe it, she was supposed to win this easy, but this kid was somehow stronger then her, which set her off. Green bio-electricity started arcing off her body as she rushes towards Izuku who catches her punch, again surprising her.

Izuku: "Man you are strong, to bad your not stronger then me."

Izuku jumped back as Izumi tried to punch him, clearly getting angrier and angrier as she solely focused on Izuku. Suddenly she stopped hearing her father's voice saying the hero team had won. She turned to see Iida with his hand on the bomb, she couldn't believe she not only forgot about Iida, but also that she had lost.

-Few minutes later-

-Observation room-

Allmight: "Can anyone tell me who the MVP was of this exercise!?"

Yayorozu: "It was Izuku Sir. Not only did his plan work, he also handled both the villains well while helping Iida. He was able to surprise Bakugo and capture him, then he made Yagi focus solely on him, allowing Iida to escape and capture the bomb."

Allmight: "R-right that's all true. Your homeroom teacher will be getting videos of each of your attempts to evaluate you."

Everyone nodded and continued the exercise. Izuku focused on each match to study his classmates and their quirks. Izumi and Katsuki were looking at Izuku in rage, still not understanding how they had lost to him. They both vowed to never lose to him ever again.


That's the chapter, I hope everyone enjoyed it. Leave some feed back on what you think I could have done better.

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