II. "Chem 101"

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The melodic tones of the most trendy but annoying alarm blared through the room. Now that Tina was on board with Simone being at Bringston, her and Nate were truly roommates, with Keisha being a 3rd on most occasions.

"Girl, if you don't get up and turn that alarm off I swear!" Keisha shoots throwing her pillow at her.

"Ughhh, girl as much as you twerk just pretend it's practice and let me sleep 5 more mins." Simone replies turning over.

Keisha goes over to the table where they put their phones for the night and spots a certain text.

"Good morning beautiful 😍 hope everything's good. From J, oop who is this sis?"

At that Simone jumps up and runs to grab her phone. "Girl what? You seeing things that don't say J it says A for auntie A girl ." She chuckles.

Keisha backs off but mumbles under her breath. "She thinks I'm blind ? Hmm okay bet."

Just then Nate comes back into the room. "Ladiessss, what I miss? My first class of the day is FINALLY over."

"Oh nothing, just some tea Simone is keeping from us."

"I'm sorry you said keeping tea? From us, her best friends? Oh no let me get seated. Start spilling miss ma'am."

They didn't need to know just yet what was going on between her and JR because she truly didn't know herself.

"I wish there was tea to tell my darlings but I simply must head to the washroom and get prepared for this class." She recites in an English accent.

"You get on my nerves, I'll let you off the hook this time, but you know Keish and I will find out."

"I have no doubt about it!"


Thank you for the message, this definitely brightened my day. ☺️

Just what he was looking for as he finished his reps at training before getting ready for class.

"Whatever has you smiling like that keep doing it bro." Damon shoots as the brothers dap each other up.

"Oh I plan to brotha fasho!"

"No forreal it looks good on you, that mad face you do gets tiresome." Santiago mocks.

"Man shut up, I just be focused!"

"Okay, well focus a little lighter."

They head out as they continue to troll.

JR quickly jogs to class hoping not to be late as this was a new professor.

Just then they both almost collide into the door.

"Woah Woah Woah, oh my bad heyyyy Ms. Hicks!"

"Heyy J" she smiles. "Looks like we have this class together."

"Looks like I won't be skipping then." He smiles back.

"Alright everyone get to a seat and let's get started! Welcome to Chem 101 I'm professor Martin and I'm excited to be before all this melanin beauty."

"Yeahhhhh" the class responds.

"Yo Professor Martin no cap are you about to be a hard professor ?" A classmate shouts.

"Listen, I will challenge you but it will not be overwhelming. I realize most of you only take this class because it's a grad requirement."

"Thank goodness." Simone whispers looking over at JR getting his notebook out.

She kicks his leg. A frequent way she gets his attention.

"So how you gonna say you're not skipping but you the first one with your notebook out?"

"Babygirl my leg about to have another bruise the way you kick dang! I just wanted to see what you were gonna say, you know I gotta be about my work to stay on the team."


"Speaking of, what's the game plan now that you're top 6? How are we keeping you there?"

"What you mean?"

"We both gotta show how dominant we can really be, so extra reps, getting notes, whatever we need."

"Booo tomato tomato tomato, as if 5 am workouts and single practice sessions aren't enough."

"If I promise to help will that make it better? You can even give me some pointers too."

"Bet! I'm about to work you then get ready!"

"Same to you."

"My little chatterboxes over there, y'all ready to participate in class?" Professor Martin shoots.

"Oooohhh" the class instigates.

"My bad Professor Martin, just talking strategy we ready." JR winks smoothly.

"Alright everybody. Partner up. Y'all's first assignment is to fill out this questionnaire about what makes a good partner. We will have a few projects in this class so I wanna get you all comfortable with each other."

"Bet Professor Martin let me partner up with this lightskin beauty up front." The same classmate yells out again.

"First off I have a name." She shoots back.

"Ouuu fiesty too yep I'm making my way down."

"Y'all are too much for me just get to work we have 35mins." Professor Martin declares shaking her head at the student trying to run game. Brings her back to how her husband introduced himself to her.

"Okay J so first question, do you like to work with others ?" Simone asks holding her pencil out in front of JR like a mic.

"Yes, two is always better than one I mean just look at what we accomplished on our mission to help Damon."

"Boy that mission failed, and failed hard."

"But we still did better together yes or no?"

"I guess you're right."

"Okay then. Second question what are the qualities of a good partner?"

"Someone loyal, someone dedicated, a team player, smart..."

"Someone who listens to other's point of view, can empathize..." he stares into her eyes.

"Yea, definitely all those things." She breathes in.

The momentum had shifted, they were talking about chemistry but definitely not the one Professor Martin assigned.

"Okay times up, your homework is to complete the first assignment in your email with one another. See you Friday."

"So.... Partners?" He asks.

"I think so." Simone smiles.

"Okay we gotta have a special handshake then. Teammates have handshakes."

"Oh I know I have one with one of my girls on the tennis squad."

"Bet so let's go with the flow and see what we come up with."

They settle on something similar to Gabrielle and Dwayne's before heading out of class.

Things are building like a periodic table🤣.
Comment below a 90's R&B classic for what's next 👀👀

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