IV. "Greens, Beans, Potatoes, Tomatoes"

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Monday. Fall classes are starting to wrap up as Thanksgiving Break begins. With midterm grades in, Simone was ready to celebrate her success of turning things back around.

"Simoneeeeee, you staying here for break sis? I could def find some things for us to get into in the A." Keisha chimes snapping her fingers like making a beat.

"I hadn't really thought about it, but I def don't feel like going home right now.  I'm finally feeling lighter and I wanna stay there as long as I can." Simone replies.

"Soooo stay! You can come over to my place and we can cut up all week!" Keisha dances as she tries to convince her.

"Nate you not off the hook either, if Keisha is making me stay you better be with us too!" Simone glares.

"Sorry ladies! My parents actually wanna spend time together and I am NOT passing that up!"

"Awee that's sweet I know how much you wanted that babes! Well then Simone it's back to you!" Kiesha points with a smirk.

JR, Cam, and Damon walk up into the union. When JR reaches Simone, she gets up and they do their bestie handshake.

Everyone is looking around at them like "what??" as this was their first time experiencing the jrsimone duo.

"Oop not a handshake." Nate whispers to Keisha.

"I wonder what else is going on here...remember that text I told you about?" she jogs her memory of them all being in the room together.

"Oh, we got some research to do! You know I love a little mission! If Monie won't talk we'll find out another way." Nate chimes as she grabs Keisha's hand in agreement.

"How was practice?" Simone asks.

"It was long! I can't lie my mind is on break and some good food!" JR replies grabbing his stomach.

"Okay! Facts! I need that soul food energy we had at Busy Bee!" Simone reminisces.

"Busy Bee?? Oh so y'all went out to eat without a brother?" Cam yells.

"Hmm secret hangouts, strike 1." Nate whispers to Keisha.

"This was an A and B conversation partna', C yo way out!" JR chuckles.

"That's alright, I'll just get Keisha to take me." Cam chimes.

"Tuh! You mean YOU take me, right? Or you forgot I'm the 1 and not the 2?" Keisha blurts.

"Periodddddd." Both Simone and Nate blurt out.

"Nah you the 1, 2 and the 3 for me! Now can we go eat? Now that I'm on the baseball team they working me dawg!" Cam flirts before turning his attention back to food.

"Of course! You gotta get this work the same way we do!" Damon inserts himself into the conversation after texting with Thea.

"But I'm better than you." Cam jokes.

"Whatever dawg, keep that energy when scrimmages come up." Damon replies.

"When do I not keep this energy?" Cam shoots back.

"You right!" Damon laughs.

They all disperse from the union as they head back to their rooms to pack and to find places to eat.

Just then Simone's phone rings with a FaceTime from Liv.

"So I didn't know breaking up with my brother meant breaking up with my friend too." Liv chimes.

The conversation she tried so hard to avoid was now smack dab in her face.

"Hi Liv. Bye Liv." Nate kisses Simone's cheek before leaving the awkward situation.

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