VI. "Figure it out."

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5 missed calls and 20 text messages. Simone was about to put her phone on airplane mode to block out the noise. She was in one of her running moods and didn't feel like dealing with anything or anyone.

"Simone your RA needs to see you." Keisha says, straight face and all.

"Yes? Is everything okay I couldn't have violated any codes we just got back into the dorms."

"You're about to violate the bestie code not giving Nate and I the tea on you and JR."

"What tea? Like I told you already he's a good friend! He's been there when I was in need just like y'all have."

"So, were you in need when y'all went out to eat? Or at the party? I don't know anybody who's in need at a party unless they're trying to escape something." Keisha looks her dead in the face.

"So now it's a sin to hang out with him?"

"No but you never did before, at least not alone so why now?"

" you bye!" She darts out of the room to make it to hers before Keisha can catch up to her.

One friend down another one to go, or to avoid whichever option presented itself first.

"Simone Hicks! I know you see me blowing up yo phone!" Nate shouts. "Come sit down right now you can unpack that lil bag later."

"Hey Nate, how was thanksgiving, mines was great thanks for asking!" she shoots back.

"Oop! Imma let that slide. Thanksgiving was good the fam is good, and I know your thanksgiving was great I seen the pictures which I why I'm not about to let you give me the runaround."

"No runaround, I'm not sure what pictures you're talking about." She says plopping on the bed next to her.

Nate gives her the phone to see the picture of her grinding on JR at the party. "Wanna try again?"

Simone smacks her lips at the sight. Who gets a clear picture like this in a dark club?

"I wasn't aware there was a picture, but it looks like two people just having fun to me." She says throwing the phone back.

"Mm mm, nope. I know you Simone, you don't just dance with anybody, let alone party with anybody. You'd rather be in up in this room if Keisha and I didn't drag you out. What is going on with you and JR?"

"JR is a really good friend and we have been spending time together lately. I feel comfortable with him, but I don't appreciate this third degree both you and Keisha are giving me! I just left her room from an interview too!"

"It's because we care about you! Yard Yak is already claiming that you two are friends with benefits and I know you wouldn't want that out there so tell me now so I can get that cleared up real quick you know I got connections."

Frustrated that she's made that page once again, she's lets out a loud sigh.

"No, JR and I have never slept together. We kissed after the party, and when I was feeling it a little too much, I left and haven't talk to him since."

"Friends don't kiss boo! Do you like him?"

"I don't know! I just spent two and a half years with the man I thought I was gonna spend forever with. I'm just trying to live my life."

"Oh Simone; Remember what I said to you when we had the funeral? I said you will have this feeling again. You will find love again. I'm not saying that's right now, but what I do know is that JR really likes you and after all the both of you have been through this year, going back and forth is not gonna end well. You really need to figure out if you want to give him a shot or put him in the friend zone."

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