VIV. "'Twas' The Night Before Christmas"

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"Good Morning beautiful" JR says looking directly at Simone next to him in bed.

"Mmm good morning. Wait. Did we?"

"No, you fell asleep after having one too many cookies with your egg nog you spiked when we got back."

She begins to laugh. "I was about to say."

"Trust me if we did that my love you would remember it."

"Okay big Ego!"

"Not like that, I just don't ever plan on it being just sex, it would be passionate love making." He expresses, rubbing his thumb across her cheek.

"It's getting hot in here, I ain't ever heard you talk like this before."

"We never talked about "it" before until now."

"You're right."

She couldn't deny that even with his bed hair he was every kind of fine to her. His sultry voice, his eyes gazing upon her, his bare chest and abs under the covers. If he moved any closer, it was wraps.

"You wanna know something?" She asks playing in his hair.


"Both Spencer and Liv really liked hanging with you the other day. I'm sorry it was interrupted by my ex and his girl showing up."


"Guys the cookie poll has just finished!" Liv beams and they all gather around the island.

"Okay so who won?" Simone chimes impatiently.

"Give me a moment you know my phone's slow." Liv confesses.

"I keep telling her to get rid of Metro but nooo." Spencer shoots.

"I know you're not talking babe, if it wasn't for your plan upgrade senior year you'd still be waiting till 9pm to have free minutes so I don't wanna hear it."

"Ooooohhhh." JR yells running like a student seeing another get roasted.

"I'm sorry bro but she cleared you." Simone chuckles.

Spencer was too stunned to speak. That is until the front door opened.

"Well, what do we have here?" Layla says walking in first.

"Uhh nothing much a little cookie decorating contest." Spencer interjects, seeing the look on Liv and Simone's face.

"Mmmm babe it smells good in here Liv-

Jordan pauses.

"Hey Jordan, we weren't expecting you guys back so early." Liv expresses.

"I mean with us all being here for winter break where else where we gonna go Liv?" He shoots.

"Fair point. Well anyway, would you guys like a cookie?"

"No, but I am shocked to see Simone here." Layla chimes.

"Liv invited me, she knew I was back in town for winter and didn't want me to be alone."

Layla just nods as Jordan is looking directly at JR eating a cookie and minding the business that pays him.

"And who's our special guest Simone?" Jordan asks.

"This is JR. He's visiting with me. We were actually just about to find out who won the contest. Liv can you let us know before we head out?" Simone urges.

Liv clears her throat. "Umm sure. It looks like JR's cookie actually won. Surprisingly. I for sure thought mines was gonna win."

"So what's the prize?" JR asks.

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