XII. "Every Kind Of Way"

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It was the end of the world as Simone knew it. Or at least that's how she felt. If it wasn't one thing it was another. Her life was finally getting in the groove that is... until philosophy class.

Her professor decided that this wouldn't be an easy class for anyone, and Simone, normally a straight A student, was now looking at a C on her most recent essay.

Tears were rolling down her face as she vented to JR.

"I can't believe I got a C! Me a C! I've never done this bad on a paper! this is so messed up I swear! I made sure to cover all the points she asked for so I really don't know what she wants. Plus that rubric was all over the place ugh!!!! I've been doing all I can to stay focused with tennis and my studies and this just brought me down a notch. My- my gpa, my academic standing all in question with one paper."


"Oh my gosh what if my advisor thinks I'm slacking?"


"What am I gonna tell auntie ?"

"Simone!!!" JR yells snapping his fingers.

"Huh?" She replies sniffling.

"Relax. Breathe. Come on in....then out..."

She followed his command.

"Again in....then out.."

Eyes red and puffy from crying, JR wanted to do all he could to ease her mind.

"Come with me babe."

They walk hand in hand out of the student union and towards his car and he opens the door for her. He starts driving, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding hers.

'Baby the sound of you....better than a harmony'

He gets up the road and gets out of the car at store.

He returns to the car with white roses and a teddy bear.

"For my boo bear!" JR says in a sexy tone.

He was looking lovingly into her eyes before he put his seatbelt back on and continued driving. She didn't know what he was up to, but the look in his eyes was one of determination.

'I want you off my mind, and on me'

JR was a pro at multitasking, driving while smothering her hand with kisses. He was gonna serve his woman, and let her know even on a bad day that she was his favorite.

They pull up to a house and JR turns the car off.

"Umm where are we?"

"This is my pop's old place. He hasn't sold it, he said I could have it if I wanted it. I figured why not explore it together and get your mind off things."

"Boy I swear I have Keisha and my auntie on speed dial if you try something."

"Girl what you think I'm tryna do ? You watch too many lifetime movies."

"I'm just saying babe. We're in a secluded sub division, wooded area, and it's minimal lighting. Giving good LMN vibes. "

"My dad wanted a spot in a quiet neighborhood, it's more luxurious my love."

They walk in hand in hand after he unlocks the door. He turns on the lights and they see the spacious living room.

"Go ahead and explore the place baby. I'm gonna make you some food."

He didn't have to tell her twice. She didn't make a habit of needing comfort food, but she would indulge tonight.

The home spoke of a bachelor pad for sure, but it had a nice spin on it. Simone could see herself decorating this place if her and JR made it to the 'living together' stage. They were almost inseparable as a couple already it only made sense for that to come next.

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