XIII. "Meeting Mrs. Raymond"

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Spring | Freshman Year

After an intense few months of training and matches, Simone was facing her biggest tennis opponent yet. Shana Daniels from Clark Atlanta. She was a top ranked player and she was currently undefeated this season.

"You're ready babe! Don't let her or anything else get in your head." JR exclaimed.

Nodding in agreement. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Opening her eyes, they share a kiss before she walks back onto the court.

"It's the supportive boyfriend for me!" Nate chimes in.

Some may call him overbearing, others may say over the top, but he was gonna be her number one fan always.

Toting his 'There goes my baby' poster board and his t-shirt of Simone serving the ball at a previous match, he was ready to be the loudest one there.

The whole student section and tennis team was rooting for Simone. It took a lot of adjustments, harsh words, and bad girl energy for Simone to finally get the respect she was due all along. She came to play and she came to win, and she was doing both marvelously.

The game was going back and forth and JR was on the edge of his seat sweating as if he was the one doing the work.

"J relax man please don't pass out in this heat!" Damon says concerned.

"I can't man, I know how important this game is to her. She's so close to winning! It's like watching your favorite player in a battle of a lifetime."

"I know. That's how I feel when we have close games." He replies.

Damon and Thea we're almost a year into their relationship now; With things going well for them, he gave his brother full support of his relationship with Simone.

"Glad to see you care so much though!"

"When she wins, I win." JR beams.

Just then, Mrs. Raymond walks towards the stands where the crew was sitting.

"Aye is that your- well our mom?" Damon asks.

"Yep, I invited her out. I felt it was time for my two leading ladies to meet each other."

"Did you run it by Simone first? You know she's gonna want to make the best impression possible."

"I didn't want her to prepare. I want mom to see her in her natural state, nothing rehearsed, just everyday Simone, the girl I fell for."

"I hear you. I just hope she doesn't chew you out for not giving her a heads up."

"If she does I know how to make it up to her bro don't worry."

JR knew the key to her heart was a good massage, compliments, words of affirmation, and cuddles. Pretty much their evening routine.

It was the last set of the game and Simone only needed to get one more score to win.

They were hitting the ball back and forth, back and forth, each time with a higher intensity. Just then Simone could see Shana's back foot looking weak towards the right, and Simone hits the ball that way causing Shana to get to it too late.

Simone did it! She won the match! She defeated the undefeated Shana Daniels!!! Look out because it was all about Simone Hicks today!!

The tennis team crowded around her and lifted her up!!

A rare sighting, even Coach Lani was proud and cheering for her.

She heads towards the student section and Keisha and Nate pull her in for a hug as she cries tears of joy. It took a lot to get here, and she was feeling at the top of her game.

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