VII. "Late Night Study Session"

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This was the 5th day straight they started the morning off with each other.

"Good morning bestfriend." JR sings.

"Good morninggggg! See I did good today I didn't threaten you."

"I know I'm winning you over day by day!"

"I'm still not a morning person though."

"But we know who is..."

"Baby Shay!!"

Both smiling through the phone they laugh! JR had been invited to some of Simone's calls with baby Shay and they were becoming two peas in a pod.

Just then Simone receives a notification on her phone. Reminder: Chem Test Tomorrow!

"Oh shoot!"


"We have a chem test tomorrow!"

"Yeah I know, it's on that stoichiometry stuff."

"Why are you just casually saying it. You ain't remind me! I need to study for this!" Simone worries.

"I gotchu we can just study together."

"Good because I was coming over anyways after practice."

"Good then it's settled!"

"Good now byeeeeee JR I gotta get ready for the rest of this day."

"What I do now ?"


"Yes I did you ain't say bestie. Is my Simone nervous about this test?"

"Yes! I'm trying to keep a B+ in this class, my dean's list nod is on the line."

"And I told you I gotchu. Don't worry. I'll see you tonight. Have a good day beautiful."

"Okay, you too bestie."

He knew exactly what to do to get back in her good graces. Besides his looks he had charm out of this world.


One of the frat brothers let her in as she eased her way back towards JR's room. Knocking on the door she can hear him sweeping and cleaning  up as if she hasn't been over here plenty of times. It was nice to see a guy that wanted to tidy up no matter the occasion.

She shoots a quick text to Keisha and Nate to let them know her whereabouts.

Keisha: don't do nothing I wouldn't 😈
Nate: or what should would 👀
Keisha: 😲
Simone: 😭 bye

"Come in." He yells.

"I'm in!"

"If it isn't my bestfriend!"

"It is! How was the rest of your day?"

"Pretty chill, just classes and stroll practice. We're getting ready for the stroll off at Hawkins."

"Oooh, yess!"

"You got a little too excited there bestie."

"No I didn't I'm about to be getting my best life."

She loved when he got hot over her giving any other guy attention, even somebody she didn't even know.

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