V. "G, B, P, T Pt. II (Mature)"

852 29 106

3:49pm Friday.

Black Friday. Everybody and their mama is out shopping, well except Simone and JR.

After finishing the thanksgiving dishes these two stayed on the phone till a good 5am before Simone's eyes had forsaken her.

So much for getting her secret santa gift today.

Bestfriend JR The Great: Bestfriend!

Bestfriend Simone: I'm still sleep lol

Bestfriend JR The Great: After snoring my ear off ? Still?

Bestfriend Simone: Don't come for me, you and all your sniffles and sinuses.

Bestfriend JR the Great: I bet you can't find your bonnet right now!

Bestfriend Simone: Don't play with me because I really cannttttttt!

Bestfriend JR the Great: lol it's fine I can do you a lil bun lol

Bestfriend Simone: goodbye JR I'm going back to sleep.

Bestfriend JR the Great: No!! It's the middle of the afternoon plus I'm tryna invite you somewhere... well actually two places. Didn't you just tell me you wanted to hang before we went back to campus?

Bestfriend Simone: Yes, but that was before we spent hours on the phone lol I need my beauty rest or imma hurt you!

Bestfriend JR The Great: Hurt me good then! ;)

Bestfriend Simone: Oop! ;) What is it you have in mind?

Bestfriend JR the Great: Just get dressed and I'll pick you up!


They arrive at JB's Billiards and Bar. As soon as they pull up Simone instantly gets excited!

"Oooh I've always wanted to go to a pool hall! Nobody took me though because I didn't know how to play." She confesses.

"Awe man, girl please tell me you know how to do something other than tennis." He laughs.

"Obviously I do the way y'all keep pinning after me."

"You're not wrong."

"Okay then! So you're gonna teach me right?"

"I gotchu." Doing his signature smile he locks eyes with Simone before hopping out of the car to open her door.

"Thank you bestie!"

They walk inside and it's a light crowd since it's after a major holiday. The music was loud and the smell of chili cheese fries and wings filled the air.

There was a dance floor open as well, but it was too early in the afternoon to drop down and get yo eagle on so they went straight to an open pool table.

"Alright. First things first. Grab a pool stick and some chalk. You wanna make sure the tip is sharp before you even attempt to hit a ball."

Simone grabs the stick and chalk as instructed, mimicking exactly what JR is doing.

"Good. Now we gotta set up the balls. You see that triangle over there? Bring it over to us and I'll pay to unlock the balls."

Once they retrieved the balls, they took turns putting them in the triangle. When they finished Simone started to get nervous to attempt her first shot.

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