XI. "Ride Or Die."

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J.R. sat in his room contemplating how he was going to explain his new decision to Simone. She had just pledge and crossed with PKZ and had plans to be out with her boo both repping their Greek paraphernalia together.

He looked at a text from his dad before he walked to the other side of campus to see Simone.

Pops: You're doing an amazing thing and showing you're a man of character! Those letters don't make you son, you made them!

He slightly smiled and trekked over to see the girl who has captured his heart completely.

Hands slightly trembling as he tried to rub them together, he didn't have to walk far as Simone was coincidentally meeting him halfway.

You could see her joy plastered all over wearing her silver PKZ jacket.

"Look at the neo!"

JR held out his arms for a big bear hug.

"You see me you see me!" Simone danced around lighting up his world with her beaming smile.

Instantly she could feel something off and quickly inquired. "Start talking baby."

"That easy huh?"

"I know you pretty well Mr. Raymond."

"Well Ms. Hicks, I have renounced from KEK. After the hazing incident, and my chapter wanting it to be hush hush, I couldn't stand by and be part of that."

She stared in his eyes trying to understand the emotions that weren't speaking as well.

"And you thought I would be mad?"

"I wouldn't say mad, but at least disappointed."

"JR, as much as pledging may be part of the HBCU experience, character goes way beyond that. I'll always stand by someone who does the right thing over the popular thing. Trust me I should know."

"I'm sorry. Of course you would understand. I'm just hurt you know. I've been in that brotherhood since I was a freshman and here I am about to graduate and leave a whole network behind."

"Come here." Holding out her hand she leads him to the second floor of the student center where the historic hall of fame of Bringston resides.

"Look at all of these amazing people. All alumni, all went off to do amazing things and gave back to their school. There's an even bigger network right here in this room than we could even imagine babe. We have your back, Coach has your back, and I'm sure when you make it to the pros, there will be many more in your corner as well."

Turning his head to her, she kisses his nose and smiles. "Especially me."

"You know you really are my ride or die Simone. Who'd thought we make it here."

"I know. Time is flying. College is pretty much done for you, and tennis is really picking up for me."

"I was talking about us girl."

"Well duh, but the more we talk about it the more I have to think about my boyfriend of almost a year about to leave me."

"I'm leaving school not you."

"My heart can't always tell the difference."

Long distance never sat right in her heart after it tore her and Jordan apart. She didn't know if there was growth in that area yet, she hadn't had to test it before now.

JR's phone buzzed, alerting him to something he had to take care of.

"I gotta go, but we will pick this conversation up later okay?" He said kissing her cheek and walking away.

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