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Lmfao hi sorry for the long break(?), ive decided to republish this book bc its kinda special to me, as much as i hate to admit it. A lot has happened in my life since i updated this so i hope i dont sound like those crazy ass a/n notes where they die or smth.
I'm hoping to start writing for apex, i kinda distanced myself from the fandom after fuse was released (i dont even know which season it was lmfosnfksja) so im not that familiar w lore lol. I also made an ao3 account so go check it out if you wanna. The username is @ ceclios . Ive slowly gotten back into writing so lets hope i can write for this book again. Also i have no idea what y'all want like you yall want porn or idk tell me

- Love y'all

Also i hate doing author notes like yk when u get a notif for ur fav book and ur like yesssss a new chapter and its just a stupid a/n note like bruh anyways byee

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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