sleepy , crypto {☕︎}

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i wrote this few months back where i fucked my sleep schedule so hard in the ass i fell asleep in classes.

also im not a very motivated person so i cant promise i'll keep updating.


if it wasn't for hyeon's kraber-shot, victory would have been stolen right out of your hands. the pressure must have worn him out since he could barely keep his eyes open on the dropship. it was quite interesting to watch, him sloooooooooowly hunching as his eyes close but jerk up again. sleep deprivation was torture for any man, why did he keep going? sometimes you questioned the korean's paranoia: one time you had extended your hand to shake his and he jumped two feet in the air.

it took him seven minutes and fifty-four seconds and then he was out.

the man was usually a light sleeper but you figured that he hadn't hit the bay in a while so he was really out.

like really out.

the dropship jerked multiple times, even making the infamous gibraltar almost crush his squad but surprisingly, the hacker slept like a rock.

with a jerk to the right, he came crashing onto you. you let out a soft 'oof!' from the impact but didn't seem to budge too much.

you glanced over, even if most of his mass was leaned on you, his head seemed to hunch forward. "he's gonna fall like that." a legend pointed out, a few other nodding in agreement. you frowned softly before slowly poking him. when he didn't seem to react, you softly cupped his jaw and pulled his head up against your shoulder.

"there ya go..." you whispered softly while he snoozed on your shoulder, looking quite peaceful. the ride would be long, so he would definitely get some rest.


"hey, uh, crypto hasn't moved in like twenty minutes, is he alive? did he die when no one expected it-" mirage started to ramble but you waved him off and put your hand in front of his face.

"i'm breathing, old man."

"wait you're alive?"


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