fatty, crypto {☕︎}

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the korean man eyes the cat, that was knocking the decor down from his shelf. "gom, if you continue, i will eat you." he threatens and stares the fat kitty down. it just stares back and knocks a bottle of pills off, the plastic container falls on his head. taejoon grunts loudly and exclaims a loud yell, making the cat scared. "sorry.." he hums softly and puts the obese cat on his lap instead. he takes the antidepressants off the ground and puts them on his desk, sighing a bit as he pets gom, slowly calming down.

gom is a cute, fat, orange persian kitty that knocks stuff over and plops on crypto's keyboard when he's hacking. he loves her anyways though.

after a while, taejoon starts typing hastily on his computer, trying to get into some files of sorts. he sighs, tiredly and continues, hey, at least it's on 38% percent. gom decides it's enough and plops on the keyboard, since she's so big, she fills the whole thing.

"YA!" the korean man whines, trying to push her off but the cat doesn't budge. he groans softly and slides his hands under her body, so he at least could try to continue hacking.

gom kinda slips to the side and lies there, crypto pets her, here and there, making her purr.

"what would i do without you, hm?" he hums softly, god he loves this cat.

"well, i would actually have money instead of wasting it on cat food." the hacker giggles a bit, teasing his obese cat.

gom just lies there, flat as her feet dangle out while her owner continues his work. he eventually, gets the files and sells them to some company, earning some nice cash.

crypto pulls her up and plops on his couch, a nap sounds nice.

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