angels together, oct & wat {☠︎ ☹︎ ☺︎}

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i used lyrics from tøp as timeskips

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i used lyrics from tøp as timeskips

requested by JinxedMoon
part two
contains an overdose
nsfw ^

wattson groans softly, she doesn't have any sanitary pads left. natalie quickly finds her white trench coat and her purse.

she heads out of her apartment, going to the small market near her. wattson greets the cashier when she enters, she looks at the shelf with clams and gets flashbacks from the stupid party.

natalie huffs and finds some sanitary products, as well as a little snack or two and goes to pay.

"you doing good?" the cashier asks, beeping the pads in, "i'm guessing it could be better." the cashier laughs.

"well, at leazt i'm not prrregnant.." natalie giggles and hears another woman comment, "yeah, aint that the truth."

natalie apologizes but the pregnant woman shrugs it off. she takes her paper bag, -we don't like plastic here— and walks literally two feet before she can hear mewling.

someone is muttering curses and randomly gasping, she goes to the alley but it's too dark to see anything.

she pulls her phone out and clicks on the flashlight button, seeing the long alleyway lighten up.

wattson can see a hunched figure and she calls out, "tiens? hey, hunty,, oh- octane!!" she rushes over to the familiar man.

she crouches and he throws his head up, "wattsoooooon.. i-" he slurs and presses the needle deeper into his arm.

he's sweating a lot,, the man seems drowsy too.

natalie cups his cheek, his sinful skin doesn't burn hers. she doesn't realize it but looks at his arm.

she can hear his pulse weaken, his skin turns pale, his fingertips and lips go blue as octane jerks up, "is, is someone going to kill me? is lucife-" he mumbles paranoid.

wattson shushes his softly, "non, no one is coming,, mon chou.."

"that's why he wears crop tops with sleeves now..." her thoughts roam all over as she takes his hand, "how mucch did you do, octane?"

the mexican points at a pile of empty needles, natalie forces the needle out of his arm, "thatz enough, crome on, letz go home." she cooes and watches the hazed man.

whats,, going on-" he chokes out.

his arm starts to bleed, quite a lot actually. wattson panics and pulls a pad out, sticking it on his arm as a bandage.

natalie quickly calls the medical service specifically for the apex legends. the tracking on her phone enables as she holds the latino close.

octane's eyes roll to the back as he falls lifeless. "no,, octavio!" she shakes him but to no avail. her eyes softly water as she pushes him close to her chest, hoping her clean heart would purify his.

she can hear the bell of an ambulance ring before it parks in front of the alley.

»Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibes slide over me«

natalie sniffs softly, the sight of the junkie in an ambulance wasn't one she had planned to see.

she holds his weak, weirdly cold, hand as they try to stabilize his health.

»When I leave don't save my seat, I'll be back when it's all complete«

wattson sits on the uncomfortable chair, she watches the unconscious male, he snores softly.

wattson looks at her hand, it isn't burned. she frowns softly but can hear the male groan. natalie turns to him, octane's eyes flutter, they're bloodshot red.

"na- natalie?" the mexican croaks and tries to focus on her celeste orbs. she puts a hand on her cheek, she takes all of his pain,, freeing him from his troubles.

tears break out of his eyes, "i, i'm so sorry, natalie.. i never wanted to be so, so-" he sobs softly.

he sits up and hugs her close, his usual stank isn't there, she crawls in the bed and leans against him. "i'm so sorry,, i am such a horrible person..." he cries out, sometimes mumbling sentences in spanish.

she rocks him gently, being a follower of lucifer wasn't easy, many demons had gone rouge,, turning into well-known terrorists or murderers.

as wattson can feel his pain enter her own body, she just now, truly realizes how broken this man is. she can feel his misfortune, his addictions and the vast wave of depression.

they cradle each other for a while, octane spits his problem out, since he had no one to talk to.

the tales of how he used drugs and sex to cloud his pain and enmity.

"why are you tellinggh me this, you promised loyalty to luczifer when-" wattson asks but octane cuts her off.

"i'm probably still high,," octane giggles a little and sniffles. wattson goes to get him some tissues.

"why doesn't it hurt?" he holds his chest, his heart is no longer aching. he can't feel the void of sadness.

"you chose the wrong path,, i simply helped you realize." wattson smiles, octane blinks confused before he grins.

his once gross, tangled murky hair is now puffed out majesticly,

his pale, discolored skin turns mocha, beautifully sunkissed,

oh and his eyes, his unstable orbs, that were afraid to look in the direction of help develops to pure, curios, amber oculars.

his soul turns sinless, all desires to drive up walls vanish.

"god has given you a secoond chanchze, octavio. use it wisely. " wattson smiles softly and hands him the tissues.

ngl this made me a lil emotional

also i researched about overdoses and im educated now

remember to call 911/other emergency numbers folksssssss

here's a lil comic i made lmao

here's a lil comic i made lmao

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