Chapter 7

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Walking into the room with Seth having his arm around my shoulders. "Alright. This is what we are going to do." After a while longer we had the plan all mapped out but we had to work quickly. So as soon as I finished and delegated, everyone was changed and prepared. Jacob contacted the pack and they were soon on the Cullen land surrounding the house. Seth followed me and Alec back to our house in wolf form and then returned to the Cullen house. I stood near a window staring outside. I had a strange feeling as Alec stood against the wall watching me. I wasnt really paying attention to him. I was too worried abount my family and friends getting harmed. I reached out to Edward's or anybody's mind. I was completely distracted and worried.

Suddenly I felt arms encircle me and I was surprised. But I knew these arms though they only held me once and only for a moment. They were Alec's arms. "Stay calm and do not worry, Bree. Your family is strong and brave and protective. They would never let anything happen to you. Me...well I am just a vampire. One they had hated for hundreds of years and honestly I do not blame them. I want to make up for what I have done. So please stay calm and they will be fine. I am sure they can hear your agitation and hope for you to calm as well. So please, dear Bree. Stay calm. If not for me then for your family." I sighed deeply at his words wishing with every fiber of my being that I could stay calm.

Remaining still I relaxed without noticing at his words and just stood there curiously and confused. I wanted to help my family but I had to stick to this plan. If not we both could be killed. Raising the repulse and protective shield around the house I leaned back into Alec as my mind carried to protectiving my home and Alec from Jane. It was my job as a Cullen to protect family. And though he wasnt exactly family he believed me to be his mate so I had to do that job and protect him.

After another hour of staring out the window we heard screeching and yelling but yet while I was peeking through minds I saw no one getting harmed. But they heard the noise too. They were looking around. I frowned standing there becoming intensely curious. I stood my ground waiting. I knew that Fred had his shield up around the house as well as Bella so Jane couldn't get through with her ability and the fact of the repulse would keep her from getting close. When the moment hit I told Fred to let his shield down and the screeching quickly stopped. Edward was searching for her mind and as was I. Alice couldnt see her because of the wolves so I tried to search with my mind as well and just stood there tensed and waiting. "To the left!" Edward called and Diego and Seth took to the left to guard that section better and waited for further instruction.

"To the right!" Emmett and Jacob took to that area to protect it better. I heard Edward curse and I frowned at this. Something was wrong. Why were they getting conflicting ideas? Yes, vampires were fast. But they werent that fast. Why was she...I gasped at the realization. She has others with abilities of their own! My eyes grew as I relayed this to Edward and he cursed and the family prepared. I held up my shields and stood tensed and ready. I couldnt find Jane. I was blinded and I couldnt figure out why. My eyes raised and I focused.

Something was blinding me but I never had someone blind me so someone had an ability that was blinding me. I growled and pulled myself from Alec's arms and headed for the door. But as I reached it something grabbed my and and I hissed then looked up with angry eyes to find Alec holding my arm to stop me leaving. "Where are you going!" I stared at him angerily and shook my head. "To protect my family. They need me. She wants me. She's angry with me. If we can't find her then something is wrong and if I cant find her they are even more blind. I have to go and help them so let me go!" I yelled at him and he tightened his grip and shook his head.

"No. She is angry with the both of us. From what you said she is angry that I was choosing you and not her. She wants us both. I cant stand the thought of her harming you. Please, Bree. Don't go. Stay with me. Please, my love." I stared at him as my face dropped listening. "Angry at the both of us? Hardly. She is angry with me. She wants me dead. She thinks I am a siren of some kind taking your affections off of her and onto me...I'm sorry." I frowned and I did feel a slight pang at my thoughts and about what I needed to do and I blinked as I utilized Diego's ability and froze him. "I'm sorry, Alec. I cant. I have to go. To protect..." I started to say but hesitated so I could continue the slight thought inside my head with, "You." Only to continue the thought out loud with, "My family. I know you feel I am your...mate but I....I dont feel anything for you but I must protect my family above all else...I got them into this mess and I intend to get them out. You will be safe here. I will leave the barrier up and if I do die my family will protect you. I'm sorry Alec." I said sadly reaching for the door and frowned before turning and blinking before glancing back up at him.

I was glad I couldnt cry. If I could I wouldnt make it through this lie. He would know and I couldnt have that. He had to believe I felt nothing for him which I still believed to be true. Aleks had seen no mate for me so he couldnt be my mate. I sighed then touched his cheek lightly and smiled. "You will be able to live and continue a full and happy forever. Goodbye Alec." I said then turned and headed out the door rushing toward the Cullen's house. I had to stop Jane. I had a feeling of what she was up to but I knew I was the only one that could fix this.

If I couldnt fix this I would atleast bring her down with me. Damn be the consequences. My family would be safe and they wouldnt have to worry. I knew what it meant to give up my life for the people I loved the most. They had sacrificed so much for me and I had sacrificed very little for them. I knew my life would be the best sacrifice to protect them. I recalled the stories Seth had told me of the "Third Wife" and more and I also knew of Bella's sacrifices for her family and loved ones. Everyone had sacrficied so much for me. It was my turn to sacrifice something for them. Though I knew none of them would like this particuar sacrifice. I knew it was the only one I could provide. I would sacrifice my life to save theirs.

It was my duty as a leader and a sister. I recalled Alice's vision and the sacrifice Carlisle did to protect his child and his family. His life for theirs. This was the same case. I knew I should sacrifice my life for them. It was the only way to protect them. The only way to go about it. The only solution. I frowned as I ran toward the clearing. I had a bad feeling settling and I couldnt help but rush in and save them. I heard screeching and I personally raised a repulse shield so I could come in undetected and snuck in from behind and I saw across the field, Jane squaring off with Seth. While the others were battling for their lives with other vampires that I had never seen. I saw several bodies already dismantled but I frowned and froze everyone in the field including family and the enemy. I couldnt pinpoint which abilities were whose because I was concentrating on Jane. I knew I was the only one that could and should take her on. I wasnt a coward. I wasnt a child. I needed to do this. "I'm sorry....I have to do this." I called to my family as I stood in front of Jane.

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