Chapter 5

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I sat and glanced out the window as time ticked closer and closer to the times school was suppose to start. I frowned as I sat there then turned as Seth's breathing changed and I instantly could tell he was waking up. "Good morning. Breakfast is ready and waiting for you downstairs." He grinned sitting up and staring over at me. "Smells good. Did you make it?" I nodded. "Shelley helped. I think you will enjoy it greatly. Considering you will be the only one eating it the others headed to school already. You will be driving my car to school. Ruth let out some clothes for you and it seems she's already prepared more and ordered more and designed more. You boys always give her a continuous love for her design. I'll leave you alone to get ready and breakfast will be waiting for you." I smiled and nodded to him before exiting the room and heading down to the beautiful kitchen.

Some time passed and I listened as Seth rushed down the stairs for his food. "About time. I could probably hear your stomach growling all the way to the school." I gave an impish smile as he sat down and glared rolling his eyes. "Very funny. Give me food!" I chuckled as he then dug into his plate and I prepared our backpacks again as he quickly ate and finished soon after I returned to the kitchen. "Let's go, love." I handed him his backpack and he pulled me into his arms and left a light kiss on my forehad. I smiled closing my eyes. "Practice." With that said he took my hand and led me out to the garage where my car was parked.

He was treating me as someone he loved deeply and truly and though he was married I couldnt be happier. I cared deeply for Seth and he meant the world to me though I knew nothing would come of it I still enjoyed this time with him. He opened the passenger door for me and then rushed to his side when I was in. I could tell he loved the car. The way his eyes lit up every time he looked at our cars I knew. He drove quickly to the school enjoying my car greatly. When we arrived we were the envy of everybody and he wrapped his arm around me as we headed inside and toward the office to sign him in. Everyone was staring at us confused and most of the girls and even the guys were in awe at my closeness to the new kid.

As we spoke with the secretary who had already been told and explained to by Steve and Shelley about Seth's arrival so it was easy for them to enroll him and he was placed in the same classes as myself so that we could show our closeness. I smiled up at Seth as we sat together at lunch. "You look adorable like that." I chuckled hearing him. "You are enjoying this so much." He smirked and shrugged. "Perhaps a little bit. I have to admit I did miss you alot. Being with the pack is nothing like being with my family. And you are my family." I smiled leaning against him as he wrapped his arm around me. "We missed you too, Seth. You are always family to us. We love you." He smiled and kissed my forehead at that and I smirked hearing some girls that had been watching us sigh wishing they were me. "You have admirers, my dearest Seth." He glanced over to the girls and chuckled as he then finished eating.

The bell rang and Seth held my hand as we headed to the classroom. Seth gave his papers to Mr Barlow and he explained that Seth would take the seat on the other side of me since my table was set up fr three rather then two like the others. And since I was already helping Mr Turi then I would have no problem helping Mr Clearwater. But as I took my seat Seth remained at the front of the class waiting for everyone to arrive and I become tense when Alec entered the room. As did Seth. No mere mortal would notice but it was obvious to a supernatural. Seth was staring at me and I nodded and frowned at him as Alec came over and sat next to me. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and noticed the gisgust on his face. I knew he smelled Seth a smile away. I had a feeling he had this disgusted face for quite some time. I had to smirk because honestly I liked the idea of disgusting Alec.

Alec didnt know that Seth would be sitting with us so I found even more enjoyment out of this. As the class started Seth was introduced and he told some about himself before Mr Barlow told him to take his seat beside me. I heard Alec growl and hiss and I giggled softly as Seth came around and then kissed my cheek as he sat down and pulled me close. "They'll let anyone into schools these days. Even dogs." I smirked and looked up at Seth. "I think dogs are pretty amazing. Besides, they do have a way of keeping you warm." I smirked and got a kiss on the nose for my comment. Alec hissed hearing me and I just smiled as the class continued. "What about our tutoring session?" I glanced back toward him. "We'll have it. Just Seth shall be joining us now." Alec frowned and hissed at my words. "I apologize. Was there a reason you wanted time alone with me?" He shook his head and continued working on the class work.

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