Chapter 6

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I took in a deep breath standing on the large boulder that stood about 30 feet from the edge of the water. So much had changed in the roughly 100 years since I was here waiting for my family on the 20th reunion of the army. I blinked and recalled sensing their abilities miles before they arrived. I recalled smelling them miles before they reached me. How I heard them miles before the reached me. They were my family. That was the day I took charge and became the head of the family. It still to this day felt strange being the youngest physically but yet being the head of the family. I still became curious as to why they choose me but I loved them. They were my family.

I froze the second I felt Alec growing closer. I stood as a statue. I frowned as he grew closer. "Thank you for meeting me, Bree. I nearly thought you wouldnt come." He said as he grew closer. I nodded hearing him. "Of course. If it means protecting my family then I would come at any cost. Even to sacrifice myself." I remained facing away though listening closely and keeping track as best I could I was going to utilize my family's abilities if need be to keep him at bay. "Yes. Of course. How could I be so foolish to think you would come and see me." At those words I turned around quickly and stared at him. There seemed to be disappointment in his voice? Though without Jasper here I couldnt be sure.

Keeping my face blank I stared at him, "Now that we have both arived and are ready to speak. Can you please explain to me why you have come to Forks? You said it had nothing to do with me nor my family. That it wasnt Volturi business and your eyes are gold. You clain to not have been around the Volturi for hearly a hundred years yet you still live are are free. So please enlighten me. I would really like to know." I watched him carefully waiting for him to give anything away. He smiled and laughed softly. "As I am sure you recall, I said it had nothing to do with your family. I never mentioned you in my initial explanantion, Miss Tanner. "

Hearing him I lowered into a crouch and growled at him. What did he want with me? Was this a trap? I didnt sense anyone else nearby so I was sure. "C alm down, Miss Tanner. I have no intention of ever harming you." I didnt move from my crouch. "Then why ask me here alone? What are your intentions Alec? Why are you really here?!" He looked up at me and I saw something I had never seen in anyone's eyes directed toward me. Something I knew I was never going to see or suppose to see and that is why I hissed at him when he didnt answer me. He let out a breath and stared at me. "Miss Tanner, I am here to find my intended. I saw her during the fight over Renesmee but I could not stay. I had to return with my coven. But I desperately wanted to meet her, to know her, to love her. But she was standing quite close to two male figures. They hovered near her protectively and I could not resist wishing to rip them away from her. I spent the next 25 years trying to resist the urge to go after her. I failed and traveled to Forks in hopes of finding her 3 years later only to discover she hunted animals." He looked up at me and took in a sharp intake of air.

At the beginning of 2035 I started hunting animals and stayed with the Volturi for another 3 years but the temptation for human blood was too great. If I wanted this girl I had to be like her and I refused to make her change her feeding ways. So I requested a meeting with Aro, Caius and Marcus alone and they agreed to send my sister away on a mission while I spoke to them. I requested to be released from my position so I could come and find the girl I had only seen for a moment but for that moment I felt my entire world revolve around her. They allowed me to go on the condition I return with her so they could meet her. I believe they wanted me to rejoin the guard and hunt humans again as I would tempt her to it. She was friends with the Cullens. They wanted secrets. Weaknesses. I never intended to give them any of it but I agreed for it let me leave to find her. It took me around 100 years but I finally found her. She's finally within my sights but I am afraid that my reputation has preceded me and she will not take to me easily. Though I have been in love with her for the last 131 years." I stared at him as he spoke. He seemed so honest and near the end of his tale I suddenly started hearing thoughts pouring out with his words. I heards his speech before he even spoke it. I lowered from my crouch and stared at him. He was telling the truth. But how...I quickly realized the Cullens were in my range and Edward's abilities were reacting to mine. I stare at him contemplating. I let out the breath I had unknowingly stared up at him. "I want you to know how much I love you. Please. Please. Please bellieve me, Bree."

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