Chapter 2

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It was the year 2138 and our lives had settled into a routine. I still hadnt settled into the fact that I was destined to be alone. I was still struggling with that and there were times I'd go off by myself. Mostly to head to the Amazon and to see Nahuel. Since the battle of the hybrids alot more vampires were drinking animal blood. We all felt the storm of the Volturi. We sensed it and when we were with the Cullens, Alice and I both received visions. We were always keeping an eye on the Volturi when we were together. Alice was was thrilled to have me around. Her visions were less intense with me around. But we werent with them now. But we were living in a second house in Forks. They were all traveling the world. They were to return soon.

Shelley was teaching at Forks High School. Steve worked as the football coach at the high school. This way we were always able to be with them if need be. The only problem was I had to play sophomore because I was the youngest while the others played juniors or seniors. I was alone in all my classes. I hated it but I had no choice in the matter. I was the youngest in human years though Ruth was the youngest in vampire years. I felt more secluded this way. More alone then I ever thought possible. I would be the last to gradute and the last to leave. I felt so lonely.

It was October and we were all sitting at the lunch table while Ruth planned a birthday party for Diego's Birthday. She vaguely reminded me of Alice. Which made sense considering she was related to her by blood. Ruth was after all Alice's many greats niece. But they both enjoyed throwing parties and making sure we never wore the same thing twice. I smirked because I just couldnt help but miss Alice. Sighing I stared down at my prop lunch when suddenly we all froze. A cold wind seemed to pass over our table as we all sensed someone of our kind nearby. As soon as we sensed it we scented Steve and Shelley both entering the lunch room and heading straight for our table.

"You sensed it to then." It was Steve that spoke it. We all had to remember to breath quickly for fear of being noticed. "Who is it though? I've never... Bree, do they have an ability?" I frowned hearing Fred and nodded my head wondering who it was myself but I could tell by their ability that they were old and they were powerful. I hadnt felt this much power in such a long..."That's it!" I sat up and they all turned and stared at me waiting for me to explain. I knew I felt this power before. Frown when Nessie was born. The battle. I felt it when the Volturi arrived. "But we shouldnt speak of this here. Let's wait until we return home." With that we all nodded and stood heading toward our respective classes.

Despite recognizing the power I still felt uneasy. I felt this power from the Volturi side of the battle. Most if not all were drinkers of human blood. Which meant this person was coming to drink and/or they came to check on the Cullens as a follow. We had heard they had one done nearly 40 years after the initial battle then another 30 years after that. Perhaps they were just wanting to check on them. Impossible. They had a tracker. He would know the Cullens werent here. So why come? Unless they werent apart of the Volturi but instead a nomad witness and the Volturi just didnt know about their ability. That could be the case but a power like this couldnt be overlooked. I couldnt already feel myself learning it. Training it. Dying to use it. I had to resist until atleast I could use my guinea pigs. I smirked. Both Fred and Diego had agreed long ago to be the ones I tested these abilities on no matter as long as they didnt kill them. Well this one couldnt kill but it would be interesting to use on them.

I smiled and flexed my fingers. They wanted to release the ability but I couldnt do son in here. I had to wait until..."Miss Tanner." I looked up from my notebook to find the teacher smiling at me. "Yes, Mr. Barlow?" I smiled sweetly and noticed the twinkle in his eyes as if he wanted to take advantage of me right then and there. I had known for a while that Mr. Barlow was a child molester but I had yet receieved the proof I need to prove it. I couldnt very well scare him into revealing it with my abilities but I could use my youthfulness to my advantage for this case. "Would you please assist Mr. Turi to catch up with us?"

I looked up and my eyes went slightly wide as I realized who Mr. Turi was. It was the one I felt the power coming from. I nodded slightly but a normal human would have noticed so I had to force myself to speak. "Of course, Mr Barlow. It would be my pleasure to assist Mr Turi." Though to a human I was smiling in reality I was frowning at the sight of the boy in front of the classroom. Mr. Turi stalked forward and placed his books at the table and sat next to me. I looked back down the book as the ability rolled off him and I became strangely uncomfortable with the closeness of the ability.

"Hello Miss Tanner. Pleasure. You look unwell. Perhaps you should go to the nurse." He was smirking. I could just sense it. "I apologize, Mr Turi. I am not unwell. I just dont enjoy helping children play catch up. So if you dont mind perhaps we could do this another day. I have plans after school." He nodded and I looked away. "Of course, Miss Tanner. Perhaps tomorrow after school." I nodded and stood as the bell ran and escaped the classroom. "Pleasure meeting such a beauty like you. I can not wait to meet you again." He took my hand and kissed it lightly. I pulled it away and nodded. "Thanks Mr Turi. I will see you tomorrow. Good day." I escaped quickly and hissed as I walked toward our cars.

I put my backpack on my shoulder. "Wait, Miss Tanner. Did I say something wrong? Do something wrong?" I was surprised to find him walking beside me. I turned and looked at him. Despite him being physically younger then me he was ovbiously tall for his age. He was just slightly taller then me but not by much. I looked up at him and frowned. "What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be in Volterra? With the guard? What the hell are you doing in Forks?!"I asked through a growl. I felt myself tapping into his ability and I didnt realize it until Diego and Fred grabbed my arms. He was staring at me confused before my brothers dragged me out of there before I could harm him of anyone near me. They through me into the car and drove home.

"What the hell is wrong with you Bree?! You nearly exposed us to the entire school! You're lucky that there wasnt anyone near you except that kid." I growled at Fred and Diego. "Let me go!" I struggled against them. They both had me locked in place with both their arms as Ruth drove us home. I didnt calm down until three hours after we returned home. "I need to call Alice.Give me my phone." Shelley was holding my phone hostage so I didnt break it. "I promise to be good. Please. May I have my phone?" She hesitated a second longer before she handed it to me and I quickly dialed Alice. "Bree? Is everything alright?" I frowned and took in a false breath. "Well we have a bit of a problem. Is Edward there?" I heard shuffling and background noise among other noises. "Yea. I'm here. What's wrong?" I frowned and looked up at my family that were listening in as well.

I blinked and looked at the floor. "A Volturi member has arrived and has enrolled in Forks High School. We cant figure out why he's here. I tapped into his abilities before he could answer. I almost used them on the people around us." I frowned and stared at the ground. "If it wasnt for myself and Fred she would have exposed us. But she's right. We dont know why he's here." Diego explained from his position next to Ruth across from me.

"Oh there's one more thing. His eyes...They werent red." I heard a collective shock through our room as well as from the other side of the line. "What color are they?" I heard Bella ask. I looked up at my family and closed me eyes. "They were topaz. Gold. Like he had been feeding on animals for some time. Longer then a year of so." I frowned looking at my family. They didnt believe it any better then I had when I noticed it.

"So Bree..he is Volturi and he has been drinking animal blood. You mentioned his ability and it nerly exposing us. But you havent mentioned who it is. Who is the boy Bree?" I frowned and looked up at my family and as I spoke Alice's voice rang through at the exact same time. "It's Alec."

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