Chapter 3

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"It's Alec." The others hissed and my family, well the ones that recalled the battle over Nessie, frowned and stared at the floor. They recalled what his and Jane's powers had done to me. "How is that possible? What does he want?" Edward said frantically. I could only assume he was holding Bella close as Jacob held Nesside close to him too. I frowned. "I dont know. He has only been here one day and I didnt really get an answer before the incident happened. But I was asked by Mr Barlow to tutor him and catch him up. Despite the fact that he's suppose to be a freshmen I would assume that they are saying he skipped a grade and is a sophomore. I am to tutor him tomorrow to find out. In the mean time perhaps you should cut your trip short or take a break from your vacation to return and possibly help us. We could really use your powers. Alice. Edward. I dont like not knowing."

I heard conversations going on between the Cullens while we all sat and stared at each other. Ruth and Diego were huddled together while Fred and Alexandria were holding hands and staring at each other. I sighed and glanced up to see Steve and Shelley and that's when I realized it. We really were the Cullens. Ruth and Diego were Rosaline and Emmett despite Ruth being Alice's relative. Fred and Alexandria were Jasper and Alice. Then there was Steve and Shelley. They were Carlisle and Esme. I frowned because I was Edward...pre-Bella and I frowned quickly stood and ran out of the house to get away from the family with my cell phone.

That's when I noticed the silence on the other end of the phone. "You cant run from this Bree. I know you are lonely but I was too and then I met Bella." I shook my head. "Edward, I know. But you saw the same thing I did in Alexandria's head. I am the exception to her ability. I don't have a mate and I never will. I'm destined to be alone for the rest of eternity. Please. Just...get here as soon as you can and I will do my best to figure out why he is here. See you soon." I frowned and hung up. Slipping my phone in my pocket I quickly crouched and jumped into the trees and decided it was best that I go hunting. I was barely holding it together. I had taken to the animal blood diet better then the others. Since starting the diet I hadnt wavered once. The others had fallen as well. Even Ruth who had tried to start out on animal blood like Bella had right away. She still had managed to cave but we took care of it and she had fallen a couple times but she had gotten a handle on it now.

Jumping from tree to tree I froze before I reached the tribe's lands. I frowned and turned and continued my tree jumping until I came to several giant boulders and crouched down on one. Sniffing the air I heard the noise that signaled movement and the scent that quickly hit me made me smile as I quickly hunted my prey. Hiding in the trees and behind them I watched my prey as it lurked but just as I was about to pounce another scent hit me and tackled my prey to the ground. I hissed and rushed over to pull the being off and growled when I realized who it was.

"What the hell?! What was mine!" Then being looked up at me and growled. "Well you were taking too long so I claimed it for myself."He said pulling himself from my grip and smirked at me. "Now if you will excuse me. I will be getting back to my meal."he said and quickly went back into devouring his meal. I was too hungry to argue and tackled a mountain lion to the ground and drank my fill of it before moving to sit on a boulder and glare at the back of the heard of the being that had stolen my prey from me.

"Now, Miss Tanner. Care to explain what you are doing out here in my woods." I chuckled hearing him. "Hardly. These are my woods. Mine and my family's woods. You are trespassing. So it would do me great pleasure to have you leave my presence at once. Or since you are in such a talkative mood perchance you will tell me why you have come to Forks in the first place. Like I asked earlier at school." He smirked down at me and shook his head. " I apologize for I am not leaving. I am not trespassing and I will do no such thing as to tell a relative of the Cullens what my business is here in this lovely town of Forks. Pray tell where are the Cullens though? I noticed their home was still empty and appeared to be for some time. Made it easy for me to break in and enjoy their luxuries. Such a beautiful home."

I glared at him as he spoke and hisse softly. "You dare trespass on my cousin's home! How dare you! Do you not understand kindness and being polite or has your old age cause you to forget your manners. Especially your manners to a lady. Or has your sister made you forget what a real lady was like. She is after all a horrid thing that kills for sport even if the moment doesnt call for it." I grinned but he growled and stared at me with angry eyes.  "I apologize. Did I say something wrong, Mr Turi? I was only stating the truth. Speaking of your dearest sister, where is she? Since I do not smell her she is not in town and I cant feel her powers so she isnt anywhere within a thousand mile radius. Is it because she is still in Volterra? Pleasing your master. Though I have a feeling you havent been near your sister for some time. After all, your eyes are gold. It would have taken quite some time to get them that color. And everyone knows the Volturi drink human blood. After all, you have Heidi. The Vampire Super Siren." Alec looked up at me and smirked before shrugging. Normal human eyes wouldnt have noticed the gesture but I did.

"To be honest I wouldnt know what is going on in Volterra. I havent been there for nearly a hundred years." I stared at him lost and confused. Was it true?His ability was one of...or rather possibly the most vital abilties in the Volturi. Alec combined with his sister Jane's abilitywere why the Volturi were so strong and no one stood against him..I mean them. I smirked at that thought and Alec watched me curiously. "Do you find that amusing, Miss Tanner?" I focused back in on him and shook my head. "No. I apologize. I was thinking about something else. Us vampires and out ADHD on steroids." I giggled lightly at the joke between me and Seth. I frowned. I hadnt seen him in awhile. He and his wife Rebekah were still alive. She was immortal like we were so Seth and I were eternal friends. I missed him. And though I told him I didnt want to have feelings for him a little despite the smell I still had fallen for him a little. I knew I would never have a mate and I knew he would imprint and I would be forever alone. I didnt have any hesitation on the matter. I knew it would hurt which was another reason for my running and hiding so many times.

"Miss Tanner? Is something troubling you?" I looked up and saw a seemingly concerned look on his face. It surprised me but he was a Volturi. I could easily die. "Uh...oh...No. Nothing. I was just distracted. Again. I apologize." I smiled and stood straight. "So...will you please explain your presence here? Should I be concerned or troubled? Worried for my family?" He shook his head looking at me. Some how I wasnt sure I believed him. "If it pleases you to know. I am sorry I can not explain but no. You should not be concerned or troubled. Nor worried for your family. I am not here on Volturi business, Miss Tanner. I have personal reasons to be here. None of which have to do with So I apologize for causing you distress. I did not mean to." I frowned looking up at him then glanced away and nodded. "Very well. So may I ask who you are here to see? And why you decided to suddenly drink animal blood?"

Alec looked up at him and hesitated. "I apologize I believe it best if I do not tell you. I apologize but I do not trust the Cullens of even cousins of the Cullens." I looked up at him. "How are you any better then we are now? You drink animal blood as well. You are exactly like we are. Animal blood clears your mind. You are not held back by your hunger. You have been without human blood  for so long. You know the pros of drinking animal blood compared to the cons. So I say to you. Why do you not trust me? I have done you no harm and no wrong." He looked up at me as I spoke and listened intently. I wasnt sure if he would reply or comment. He stood silent for a while. It was even slower then a human's reply. I stood waiting for him to reply. But it didnt seem he was going to. "I see. I suppose I will see you tomorrow at school. Bye, Mr Turi." With that I turned and headed home.

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